New Ways Die Hard Pt.3 : A Different Kind of Mission

talo ordered, "what you say must be your honest and true assessment of the ambassadors' ways. if you lie i assure you, we will find out.

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The Royal Gryphon's Pet - Training

Shuffling back a little, talos slowly covered his groin up once more, leaning his head down until it was right in front of sam's face.

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Aurora Cross character sheet

The talos detecting no life signs went into a low power state, following the only unoverideable command its computers had in the event of loss of crew, keeping aurora in stasis. 2996- salavagers discover the talos in orbit around minitry xk-pluto iv

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 11

I turned to too-thaty and replied, "my lord, i would do anything i could to assist in the defense of talo-vy. after all, talo-vy is the only home i can remember ever having.

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The Royal Gryphon's Feast

talos purred softly, rocking his hips gently into the well-bred human below.

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Exotic Pet

It was a beautiful sight, watching those muzzles bulge with with the thick mass of talos' cock and balls. she never looked as good as when she were servicing lord talos.

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In the beginning.

"yes" \* \* \* \* sasha was sitting in the couch in their private courters when talos found her.

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Jecht's Story

I am a cleric for the order of talos!" "who is talos, and can you tell me why we are... here?" said jecht in a confused state.

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Fates of the Unicorns 33 - Checkup

Mage talos was one of a few dragons with the gift, and he had it strong, but this was not his area of expertise. talos contained to keep a purple hand on the unicorns horn, and another on the drake.

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Chapter 16 - Rest up Dragoon! Nadiya's Hospitality! (Part 2)

He was barely below her chest, talos chuckling nervously as nadiya herself finally came out from the kitchen to hear what was all the noise, "talos, get ya scaly butt back to kojo's table. don't scare away the clientele, as anyone's money is good here.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 17

I told the ishoo'se aka'ny that i would not hesitate to protect talo-vy, even it if meant violating mory law. my reasoning is that talo-vy is my home and my master and his norotha are my family. therefore, i was protecting talo-vy's food to help them.

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