The Archon's Ascendancy, Chapter Two: The Sabbath of the Magna Tor

Like balthazar, he did not like theodore very much. "hello theodore!" phoebe chuckles. "how are things within the isles?" theodore smiles warmly at her. "amazing darling! you should consider visiting there more often.

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 04

Lady carrow sat to my father's left and theodore had the place beside her. like his father, theodore stood behind my chair, smiling broadly as i walked over to him. i thanked him for his courtesy as we sat down.

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What Tigers Dream Of - Chap. 4

theodore said. he was still looking at all of the gay yiff in tj's phone. "i see you like tigers huh?" theodore said with a giggle. tj blushed and mumbled, "yeah." theodore just chuckled and said, "you remember my friend jerry?"

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Can't Escape, Part II: Mischievous

He released theodore and narrowly tossed him his ball belt before being ushered into an examination room. theodore recalled phil, approached the reception counter, and laid his team members upon it.

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Simon and theodore both set their stuff neatly no the floor just to one side of the chair alvin had tossed his bag into. they closed the front door behind them, theodore calling out dave?

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 14

theodore's grin slid slowly from his face. "what?" "if the beast is the reason that you're treating us so terribly, then _he's_ the problem," she declared. "i'm only dealing with him." a hint of a terrible grin returned to theodore's face.

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Can't Escape, Part VI: Highly Curious

Jean could read any strategy that the typhlosion might develop, so theodore relied on spontaneous decisions. the gallade sensed only, "it's coming," from theodore until it came.

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 7

theodore launched off of his right foot and brought his left boot down square on the end of the spear. the sudden leverage snapped it out of the centaur's grip. "oops!" theodore laughed, but the sound was far deeper and ominous than it should have been.

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Woddlyn (Beck 2)

theodore: rose, how many times must i tell you to not just call me theo? i like my full name better and you know that. and i'd rather you call me theodore also.

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Can't Escape, Part I: Likes to Run

theodore surrendered the dazed critter to his trainer. on a claw dangled remnants of a loosely-knitted bag. the berries within were ruined to most, but to theodore, char was just another seasoning.

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The Beginning: Part 3

She asked pointing at the old mini laptop in theodore's hand. "i never could part with this..." theodore said raising the now-closed mini laptop.

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A Grand Experiment

theodore sat back with his arms crossed.

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