prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 11

Epilogue-birth of James "Hey sis." said Mora nudging her sister Mozart. Mozart slowly woke up, "What is it?" she said sleepily. "Can we go outside? I need to talk with you." she said looking around. Mozart got up and the two went outside. "I wonder...

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Seperated by fate.

The new chapter is ready for editing, and all the dialogue is spell checked, your average yaoi bull crap, but i think i did a good job again" dante said into the phone to his editor.

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A Pawnbroker's Tale

A Pawnbrokers Tale 'Chapter' 1 pilot version The buck sighed in a resigned manner, it was midday and his store was as was usual these days...dead. His store was slowly losing custom, a large store had opened up nearby, some fancy branch store that...

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Love in times of Peace.

Official warning: this contains yaoi, anal, 69 and romance (eee-yuck). disclaimer: i do not own toei or digimon. every character appearing in the following document belongs to them or bandai or whatever.

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Feline Fight to the Finish 2

When they clash, they grab onto each other's palms, lacing fingers together as they struggle, smiles never leaving each other's faces. "Come on," Mao says, licking his lips. "You know you want to get on your knees." "Not a chance," Nan...

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A Commission Cum on Comet

gay. dubcon . . . always open for commissions. email or discord me. check profile for further information. newsletter with free goodies open. no spam - ever. the alleyway was dark. ominous.

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The Shy Typhlosion

So i bought pmd blue rescue team recently and started playing it (i hadn't played it before, kinda skipped gen 3 entirely) then felt the urge to write a machamp / typhlosion pmd-themed yaoi. i changed a few names so as to avoid real-life identification.

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Digidestiny Chapter 4

It was almost noon in Primary Village, at least based on the position of the sun above them. Veemon lay spread eagle out on the soft grass, staring up into the sky. He had no restraints or anything to hold him down. There wasn't even a device to drain...

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Group Leader.

Official warning: this contains yaoi, anal, oral and dom/sub relationships. disclaimer: i do not own toei or digimon. every character appearing in the following document belongs to them or bandai or whatever.

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caprichosa obsesion

"tal vez fires, quizas silt vester, pero no ace, aunque sea el chico del año, nunca el.. A el nunca lo amare": de saber que estas palabras provocaria, nunca las habria dicho. Se lamenta el pato peligro, mientras desde un piso arriba, ve a sus niños y a...

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Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part One -- {Rocky Relationships}

Time stopped as the two clashed, with a fatal end, an electric grip transpiring onto the Ninetales' heart. Crimson optics dilated as he gazed over the brutally and severely blow onto his chest, as gasp of exclamation and fear engulfed Kiyoshi as his...

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Steven Magnet's revenge

Steven Magnet was doing what he did best: swimming. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he loved to swim AND to show off his moustache. His right moustache had been mutilated long ago, but thanks to the great pony that was Rarity his...

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