Epilogue - New Beginnings

They found him days later, delusional and wandering aimlessly at the bottom of the new caldera that was Lake Hylia. He was raving mad and quick to anger and vowed to kill them all if they got any closer. It took the better part of a day to subdue him...

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The End; a New Beginning

A tigress sat in her dining room with a big old fluffy dog, named Peter, who she enjoyed talking with frequently. The two were currently discussing Peter's family and how he missed them sorely. He was living with Rhu because her parents ran an...

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Reptiles - a new begining

note from author: if there is any slang or phrases you don't understand please feel free to ask, all questions and queries welcomed. England 1193 Upon the setting of the sun, in a small house in the middle of the city of London screams are herd...

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Rick's New Beginning

Darkness swirled, never staying the same shape. Rick watched in silent fascination as it moved, becoming one thing and then another. Then terror seized him as the darkness rushed at him, slowing through him. Rick could feel it tainting him, altering...

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Siara's New Beginning

© Tafari - All rights reserved The Story of the Savannah - Siara's new beginning The day was hot, the sun at its highest and water would not be found within a few hundred Kilometres of where Siara stood. The young lioness was sat beneath a...

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A Lusty New Begining

Frank sat down with the lion whom he had just passionately kissed and took a sip of his beer watching the cute tan fur quiver under his gaze. Paul the lion morph now across from him was purring as he took a sip of his own looking at the sleek...

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The Voyage: New Beginnings

_What am I doing?_ The thought came as natural as breathing for the umpteenth time as Marcus approached the gantry to the Exploration Corps vessel he was about to embark upon. His footsteps rang loudly through the eerie silence of the station's...

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TLoS: A New Beginning

Salamander was new to the temple of Dragons and said "Hello" all the dragons that stood before him said hello back which caused Salamander to jump in shock, One of the guardians called Ignitus said, "Welcome to the temple Salamander, I am called...

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Fenrir: New Beginnings

_"If you bind me so that I can't get free, then you will sneak away so that it will be a long time before I get any help from you. I don't want to have that ribbon put on me! But rather than be accused of cowardice by you, let one of you place his hand...

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Tora- A New Beginning

The sun was only a couple hours from setting, marking the end the day and the start of a new beginning as a family made whole once again.

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Pokémon: A New Beginning

#1 of pokémon: a new beginning new story i came up with a while back. took some determination and planning to actually get this first chapter out of my head. it's told from the first-person perspective, but in journal, or at least as close as i got it.

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Northridge: A new Begining

My name's Mike, i go by R.J. and I'm a small Black Wolf. And well, this is my Junior year. Half way through High school and I'm forced to switch schools. This is going to go well. I started out as a very shy Isolationist, meaning I isolated myself from...

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