The Supernova Lion

"okay, ethan, head back to the cargo bay and help 'em load. i'll be there in a few minutes." ethan showed up in the bounty's cargo bay with his grav-lift and added his box to the pile. "what's that, ethan?"

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 2

"already done captain, if they try anything thy will find themselves locked behind lethal force fields before they get two steps out of either cargo bay."

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Canimorphs: The Corona

He glanced back and saw the empty stairwell leading into the cargo bay of the _perdition_.

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The Adventures of a Yanme'e: Chapter three: Four Sangheili, two Yanme'e and a Jiralhanae chieftain.

Slowly, avoiding everyone she discovered on the corridors, she made her way back to the cargo bay. the cargo bay was a vast, cold and lonely space.

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Untitled Rough Draft, Part 10

They remained silent until they reached the cargo bay and found the ramp already extended. directly outside, gamma orionis dipped toward the horizon. "oh, we'll have an excellent view." kolya grinned.

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Five Course Meal - Commissioned by Guderian

They turned the corner to find renner and liam waiting by the cargo bay door. as predicted, liam had what looked like a shotgun under his arm.

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The Light and Dark

The tall slender wolf gazes in the mirror brushing the fur out of his eyes, and walks to the door ordering the lights to cut off before heading to the cargo bay.

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Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

Keith approached the cargo bay was quiet...too quiet. never a good sign....

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Episode 1: Newcomers

He rushed through the smoke and occasional small fire before he made it to the cargo bay and understood why the coyote was so distressed. he peeled his eyes away from the scene to look for a medical kit anywhere on the walls.

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A New Home - Chapter 6

"aye, captain," he replied, and strode back along the right side of the towards the cargo bay.

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Endangered Space

In freefall, he sailed for just three seconds, then his heavy hand caught the cargo bay door and swung him into the airlock.

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Star Trek - Blood of a Klingon

\*\*\*\* silence filled the cargo bay, countered only by the unending rush of questions and concerns in rafael's mind.

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