A Change of Heart

The huge nuts bloated in size, swelling many times over to accommodate the increased capacity of the hybrid's changing body. almost unrecognizable now in silhouette, he was far different from before beneath the uniform as well.

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SYBT: One of the Quite Ones

She took a few steps back and leaned against the wall watching as the two changing humans interlocked there changing bodies. she took one hand and squeezed a nipple on her chest while she directed the other to her snatch.

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SYBT: What's a Few Transformations Between Friends

His changing body doing more and more to compensate for his human inadequacies. however he was not gaining mass and mass alone.

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A New Porpoise [TF/TG MtF Human/Anthro/Feral]

And now seemingly a part of his changing body. "the porpoise?" marie said curiously, "it sounds strange, but i know he's watching me. and out there on stage.. i really want to impress him."

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Tales of the Tainted: Brodec - Chapter 3-

Most of the tainted had human minds in changed bodies, those that were mad, animal minds in tainted bodies, he had both, side by side.

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Cecil Changes CHPT 1: The Beginning

He stepped out of the tub to spin around examining his newly changed body. "i have a tail!" sarah had also been examining his furred body at the same time, and a few things had caught her attention as well.

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A Wolf in Sheep's Scrotum

With her changing body buried up to her waist in his crotch, her head came up to just beneath his, and he wrapped his arms around her still shapely form as her bone softened.

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New Feelings

Spyro and grown several feet in height, gained a lot of muscles, and his horns grew with his changing body. the same changes happened to cynder but she had a more toned muscular body rather than pure muscle mass.

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An Asinine Fantasy

The dream was exhbitionist--the line was filled with mirrors at each stop, as the faceless humans tediously groomed the changed, brushing and washing each newly changed body part--as if the creator of this bizarre estate had wanted each transformee to witness

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Pool Crasher

It was at this point gc noticed how the water felt against his changing body. it actually felt oddly pleasant, the water lapping at his squeakifying body.

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A bunny changes

He asks looking at marlene "you're becoming a priest just like me and my sisters" she tells him and sits down in front of him and reaches for his new breasts and rubs a finger across them sending a wave of pleasure through his changing body.

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