Moon Shadow #4 Thanks Grieving

Things get even more interesting when moon shadow blasts a member of the griever gang with hellfire to prevent him from shooting into the crowd and he melts into a puddle of gray goo.

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The Gates of Hell, Chapter 4, Morg

Next came a popping sound as spines began to push out of her spine as her tail continued growing, and she felt two large lumps forming on her back like huge boils, and they burst to release thick grayish goo her writhing rippling flowing skin soaked

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Chapter 10: Sick day

That's the ntr series, viruses, bacteria and gray goo. " "i ..idunno..what.. it...doesnt..notbad an i jus.jus..."

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Alice Does Dreamland

Soon, the black cat and the white rabbit faced one another, standing knee-deep in the rapidly melting gray goo. "uh... is that you, alice?"

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Surprise Gifting

Axel could only dumbly note that a thick gray goo was leaking from his new gloves, impossibly. it was flooding over his wrists and splattering on his thighs and dripping on his toes.

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Savage, a superhero vore story

Remember the gray goo?" "i remember. but there must be..." chill's voice trailed off. one of his powers was sensing heat. the three supervillains were orange blotches against the cool rooftop.

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The Price For A Hero

Lifting its rifle and keeping its stance atop the body beneath him that oozed a grayish goo onto the road, the gun made a strange whirring sound as it came to life.

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Tales of the Insatiable Curiosity: Cast Off

While the colonies of assembly nanites within a constructor device that small were neither sufficient nor even designed to create an out-of-control self-replicating mass of gray goo, maintaining the magnetic fields keeping the assembly process stable required

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The Raging Hounds Chapter I: The Misfit

The meal seemed to consist of some sort of porridge, a jelly that looked sickly green, coffee, bread and some strange, grayish goo which vincent identified to be protein slop with added vitamins; a dish very popular in the bootcamp that either had no taste

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The Good Mistake

He knew that "gel" is a gray goo caused by his zealous desires to resurrect life. and he was to blame. as he exited to the parking garage to run past cars to unlock his own, he felt a cool rough hand grab him from behind a pillar. "matthew!"

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Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 3

He blinked, and groaned as gray goo slipped into his eyes. "gah! elephant in my eyes!" he shouted, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

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Nile's Big Day

So, with much annoyance and grumbling, an r&d budget big enough to buy several smaller moons, and almost starting a gray goo apocalypse, they managed to create the next best thing...

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