Pet Otter's Birthday

"happy birthday, to you. happy birthday, to you. happy birthday, dear alex. happy birthday to you." both g-wolf and tarik sang. "make a wish!"

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Birthday Surprise

"hey blade, happy birthday! you'll probably get this when you wake up, and i just wanted to say my family and i left to go to my grandparent's house, so you have the place to yourself for tonight.

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Dragons after Dark

Https:// --- happy birthday to zaros! he didn't seem to be having a very good birthday, so i wrote this up to hopefully make it a bit better! bringing in feral amethyst, just for a bit of fun!

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M Nidoking x M Rhydon

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you~" sang two of the occupants of the house.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 10-Birthday Surprises

"happy birthday bro",jack said,"did we miss the party?" i laughed,"no it's not till tommorrow night." "come on in guys." they stepped inside and i closed the door behind them.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty Two

If you haven't already, you can read the first book here: chapter forty two "happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me," i sang under my breath.

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The Godzilla Series Part 1 & 2

"hey happy birthday jaden" this one came from kenny as he walked into the house "thanks man" i replied as he also walked into the living room after paul.i then turned around and found myself face to face with zeke "happy birthday" was all he said as he walked

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Being Free

"happy birthday to you!" alex wei sat in the office, waiting for the head doctor to tell him if he could stay. "happy birthday dear alex!" he stared at the bottles of pills that had been laid out in front of him.

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The Tortures Of The Childhood Memory

Only for you to return the favor." replied he, "happy birthday, by the way.""to you as well." i fired back immediately.

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Big Trouble for Jake

"happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear jake! happy birthday to you!" as jake blew out all seven candles in two attempts, everybody gave him a round of applause.

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Best Present Ever

"happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday dear kauren~ happy birthday to you!" he sang out as he lit the one candle on top and slowly walked the absolutely delicious looking cake over to hir.

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Rainbow Flag...: Chapter 5

"happy birthday, queer." says multiple furs as they leave the class. today is my birthday, yet it doesn't feel too great. "see you at your locker, hoe." says others.

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