Dragon Latex Dream

I based it entirely off of a lucid dream i had a couple weeks ago. this is really done to be a quick-release sort of story, and i had fun writing it. hope you enjoy! "what the hell is that?!" "don't ask questions, just run!

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A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 1)

_ it had to be one of those "lucid dreams" that he had read about in...in...wait... ...where _did_ he read about it, and when did he read it? tomas couldn't remember. in fact, he couldn't remember a lot of stuff at the moment.

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Light of the Heart V2 Prologue

He assumed he had fallen asleep and was now dreaming but was surprised when he could identify his situation as such since he had never experienced a lucid dream before in his life.

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Chemical Combination

Liam was pretty sure he was still in a lucid dream, "tell me something i wouldn't possibly know." olivia and her friend looked at each other, "well?" "i don't know what you know, but we have friends in the staff here."

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Dalliances of a Dragon Sage, Chapter One

The experience would feel real, _very_ real, but without the conscious recognition of the fact that she _was_ dreaming that comes with lucid dreaming.

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Part 3 - Brain Pool

Ben laid asleep in the back seat holding his sister in a 'spooning' position as she sucked her thumb. Like so many things this trip, spooning like this felt completely normal and innocent every other time they did it, until now. Kaynell was feeling...

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In the Thrall of the Slumberwitch

The closest thing she was allowed to lucid dreaming was pleasuring her mistress. licking her hooves and making her giggle, kissing her neck and making her quiver. at the very least, the slumberwitch's promise would be kept.

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With The Flow

With practice and with the sophisticated mental abilities that octopi like her were known for, she had learned to master lucid dreaming. dreams were a refuge from the harshness of waking life.

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How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 3

"nah, there is no way this is real, this must be a lucid dream like i said at the oasis. yeah, that's right, just a dream." i muttered to myself to avoid making the three dragons that are having a conversation notice me.

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Chapter 2

Like a lucid dream dancing within the blackness that surrounded us. "if you're done staring at me, human, we've arrived." she had careened her neck to look over her shoulder while i was lost in her image. i think we were at the base of a mountain.


Knot Theory (III)

It was like a crazy, lucid dream too embarrassing to recount to friends, one in which the most unlikely elements are senselessly juxtaposed into something downright stupid. because surely the big dog was too muscular to be a professor.

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The Spirit

He'd wake and wonder but that was all he could do, never truly knowing if it had taken place or not, her form so fleeting that it made more sense to consider it a strange sort of lucid dream.

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