Vampires’ Legend:: Chapter One:: Unusual Execution

This is the first chapter in a new series i am using (that i (as of now) do not have a name for. xd). and i hope that at least you all can enjoy it a little, because it's fun writing so far.

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Preview of my soon to be released series High School Secret

#1 of high school secrets ok so here is a little sneak peak of my soon to be released new series high school secret.

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A New Life in a New Body: The List

Special thanks to: dasher cheetah, cavalier, and banehollow and any other readers i would also like to give a shout out on here for downwithhumans and his new series freebird it's a good sieries if you like this i think you should at least read

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Dramatis Personae-Capt John (Ericson) Vidja

This is part of a new series i'm working on. **dramatis personae: capt. john (ericson) vidja** coulter dark claw i just got it. sit...? there...? got it. hello my name is james vidja.

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Into The Breach: Prologue (WIP-Draft 1 Incomplete!!!)

Prologue for my new series into the breach. i need alot of help guys: adding tags, story/character ideas, etc... please comment i need input to know if i am doing anything right or wrong.

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Cyanide of riddance.

This is a prologue for my new series, cyanide of riddance. it is about my old ocs i had since 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (not 2014, 2015 or right now because i still use them) and they escape from a powerful demonicat. it was a dark and cold night.

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Thankfully i abstained from a new series, since i am barely keeping up with the cat's stroll, so it's just a short, not-so-short story. so i believe we won't be returning to the series till the next week. i apologize.

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Wtihin the next few days, i will be starting a new series. it may, or may not, be posted, but it is highly possible.

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The Newbie Part 2

._** **_this is the start of a new series of stories that i'll be including various fuuuurrrrrriends.

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femtorture/milking collab

"and this is our new series of milking machines. as you can see, we have various models." the sales fur said, casting her hand in a wave motion, indicating the 5 strapped in ladies on the five machines.

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This concludes the epilogue, so i hope that you like the new series, eevee chronicles. o7

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London Calling - Prologue : Live on BBC

#1 of london calling so, this is the first part of a new series i am writing, set in the middle of chaos, confusion, and racism fueled rioting, and all in the heart of beautiful and scenic london.

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