What Lies Ahead

Early morning sunlight broke through the light haze hovering just overhead. Songs filled the air as the birds awoke with the early morning light. The forest itself seemed to come to life as the sun's rays added it's warmth to the humid air. The wolf's...

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The Game Called Lying

Edwin assumed that the now fully sated Doctor would simply be on his way after dumping his load inside the wolf's ass. Instead, what happened was that missy spent the next half hour posing for the rhino, who apparently indulged himself with some...

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The Penis Never Lies

"What's masturbation?" Tim asked his friend as they were walking home. "Huh, you don't know?" Josh replied, as if Tim was crazy for not knowing. The boar was sincere with his question, though. His parents never taught him about anything like that,...

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13 - True or Lies

A full month have passed, my children getting stronger each day. Dragon children grow fast, the amount of food given counting more than time itself. I heard my children could resist near to three months without any food at all. Hard to believe, but I'm...

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Cat and Mouse: Lying In

Technically not a lie. it had been the best night of sleep that riley could ever recall. "uh-huh." his dad seemed unconvinced, "well, either way, your mother thought i should come up here and talk with you about it..."

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What Lies Beneath.

Wires frayed, attached to the heart of a being without a soul. Drained the life and shriveled up, like a flower in its final hour. Fingers bleeding from razor sharp teeth, gnawing at the hand that feeds it. Liquid endlessly flowing from the...

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I lied, a little.

I'm going on more than one final adventure. I've learned from some of the Freljord summoners here that Ashe and her people are going to venture further north to try and shove Lissandra from power there. That means I may be able to go and find my...

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What Lies Beneath

It all started one fateful day...Heh. You know, I really hate that sort of phrasing or any phrasings of that nature for stories. It always sounds like those events just happened to have just appeared that one day. It sounds a little...I don't know,...

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Thievery and Lies: Prologue

The path itself was dark, not only from the darkening of the world as the sun set, but also due to the shadows casted by the trees along either side of it. It wasn't quite in the woods, though the property line marking them was not too far off either....

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Small-Town Lies

_Mill-worker Harlan Crow feels like nobody takes him seriously, and he doesn't like being told what not to do. Or who not to do. Better go ahead and fix that..._ _Welcome back to scenic Cannon Shoals, where not-very-good people make even worse...

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Pet swim: Lies

                                                                               Wait a minute let's do it in are backyard "once out Neon ran" Red ran after Neon get the fuck over here bitch "Red caught her and holding her down Neon was trying to move as...

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Don't Lie To Me

The cold expanse of space was empty and unforgiving, but amongst the vacuum of stars and planets, a long ship fluttered along at a cruising speed. It was small and pill-shaped, with a rounded back and front and an otherwise flat, cylindrical length...

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