Summer Soccer Shenanigans Pt 3

_oh yeah, definitely need to go to more pool parties._ krista thought, as the two boys descended on her waiting, and willing body.

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Donder & Blitzen: Butt Buddies in Hell

And that he has a pool party every year just to show off those abs in his skimpy swimsuit. i would say i'm being judgmental, but his dad literally invented judgment." "you know, satan," donder joined blitzen in rubbing on his boss's back.

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: The Departure

After everyone at the pool party had been reverted back to their former selves he said his goodbyes to several others that stopped by to see him off, particularly sivilath and alskos who gave him a warm hug before he left.

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The Slumber Party

We'll make a lunch and pool party of it. a celebration of our engagement. let brenda stay in the bassinet. my housekeeper will take excellent care of her while we're outside."

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The Maid’s Family (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

But, when the business meetings and bridge games were over, when the summer pool parties and winter brandy tastings were done, when it was just her and the family alone in the house together, that was when rosie got to be who she really was to her employers

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The Phonecall

It's almost time for the pool party." "already?" she asked with a puzzled look, looking at the calendar as well. "and we know where that leads to half the time." greg nodded softly.

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The Slumber Party

We'll make a lunch and pool party of it. a celebration of our engagement. let brenda stay in the bassinet. my housekeeper will take excellent care of her while we're outside."

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Say it Thrice

Must be an outdoor pool party...that would super awkward to crash, but it would only get worse if he tried to sneak about. taking a deep breath, ash spoke aloud as he started cautiously walking forward. "excuse me?

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"Then and Now" - Day 3, Chapter 1

"won't there be other guys at that pool party?" i asked. "just you and me." brandon grinned. "and my dad's got us these tuxedo bottoms and bow ties to wear." "you're joking." "nope. lots of fun!"

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Adrenaline Rush - Shifting Gear

At first glance it appeared to be a normal pool party, a number of what he guessed were cooks stood in front of grills making food that was transferred to a large table.

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Avonture Cruises — Chapter 1. Welcome Aboard to Avonture Adventures!

"well, you said something about a big pool party?" dan's grin couldn't have been more blinding.

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I am his

No more fighting evil digimons to save the world, just a simple pool party. she tried to sit up, but something stopped her. there was metal around her wrists and ankles. and the smells weren't those of home. had she gone somewhere else during the party?

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