Flight Academy: Chapter 1

Sant), the dragon, and a saber tooth tiger girl in the front row as well. the rest of the people in class, except the tiger, group up and walk off.

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Nothing made the deaf saber tooth tiger happier than his otter friend james. it had come as a surprise when his friend had just kissed him out of the blue. not that he would ever complain. he had had feelings for the basketball player for some time.

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Overbearing Myths

The sabre-toothed tiger remained flabbergasted. the tanuki wasn't getting hard at all, it was just...growing from the base size.

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Working for a promotion

An hour later there was a tap on his shoulder and the fox looked up into the the brown furred, smiling face of a saber toothed tiger. megan, the company vice president grinned at him and tucked a few stray strands of red hair behind her ear.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #6 - Rise to Power

Like always, john stoat (stoat, pg, hnt) was the first from hunstville's club to talk to the courtside reporters, expounding on the "brilliantly frustrating" move by the coaching and managerial staff to put him at point against wendy brown (saber-toothed tiger

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Stone and Wolf (Part 11)

One among them was a sabre toothed tiger... it was crag. he bore no markings, but approached all the same. one wolf who wore an off white coat reached them first and passed his tongue over ilisha's eyes.

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Boris and Claude

I'm kind of distracted and i walk right into a huge saber tooth tiger. (they're not rare, but are a bit uncommon) he backs up and looks at me. he looks almost frightened of me. "i'm sorry" i say softly.

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Golden Legacy chap1

Sebek was cowering in fear of the huge and muscular saber-tooth tiger that was yelling at him, "i-i'm sorry taigon, i couldn't help it."

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Ch. 1&2

Soon the changes started to occur, fangs that looked like a saber tooth tiger, claws like a panther, eyes of a cat. my anger consumed me as i bashed a hole through the wall and stayed there. moments passed in utter silence.


Doctor Z's magical miscreants

Flappy's eyes shoot open and he spots the unsettling blue sabre tooth tiger sitting in front of him. flappy asks, "fang? what are you doing here?" fang replies, "doc wanted me to check up on you. having any problems with that new body?"

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Before she would have been upset with a partner who was soo rough but ever since her time as a golden panther, she had a hunger that couldn't be assuaged except by the male who'd been a saber-toothed tiger.

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An Unlikely Pairing, Part 3

"fuck off you dalmatian dead beat" i step away from the door fearing that it will open and an enraged sabre-tooth tiger will launch another attack on me, when the attack didn't happen, i head back to the cubicle door and try again.

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