Fertile Ground - Chapter 7

_'my friends, my creators, my secret lovers. your gift is known. let me show you.'_ and the world was changed forever.

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Weekend at the Beach

Don watched in silent horror as his secret lover and his father began pulling their clothes off in unison. he stood staring as blood flushed to his face when the two pandas began unzipping their pants.

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Chapter 4: Growing up.

Although, this left plenty of time to do other things with his secret lover. ace didn't get far from the reservoir when he came across toroko and king, again. "give me the key!" "no!" toroko dashed off again, shoving king out of her way.

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Chris and Angie

It wasn't long before kyle's suspicions were forgotten and the two secret lovers kept their cover........ for now.

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The Camping Trip - The Detour

He picked me up and held my body in his lap, making out with me as though i were a secret lover. i guess i was. it didn't take long before he pulled away. "we gotta get going." i nodded. "alright. let's go."

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Chocolate for Dad

"i'm sorry," katie's voice cracked, the day's events rushing back at her, "it's just... its mother's day... the teasing... my neighbor... college... secret lover... being lonely..."

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 1

He was also my secret lover and helped me out whenever i was in heat. i think he had taught himself to love the taste of my cock, because even though he acted like he didn't want to do it, he actually enjoyed making me happy like this.

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A Sisters Love: The Final Chapter: Part 1 of 2

She is the secret lover to claire. she is a lesbian, and many people know that. she is a rather rare german sheppard, this being that her coat is that of a grayish black tent, while her tail has a pure white tip to it.

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No Consequences?

Would i outlast my secret lover, too? was there a silhouette in the window now? i no longer cared. i dropped my jaw and let out a deep, lust-filled whinny, bucking wildly.

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Wild Venus

She made her mind up before he even had the chance to voice his opinion, she would show him her secret lover tomorrow. **...** sure enough, the next day, as she had described to mark

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A Day In Fame ~ Chapter 2 ~

'secret lovers?' the idea wrapped itself in my head, it thrilled me to think that might be the case. and if i could get photographic evidence then i'd become one of the better known popparazzi and finally have my moments of fame!

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Chapter 2 Don't Go

Did his father have a secret lover? and who was jonathan? etienne wasn't sure he wanted to know.

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