Forest passion (Dragon M/M story)

Remorg was still squeezing the pulsing and slowly shrinking penis, as drohaz was pumping last drops of semen into already full tailhole.

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Tauren's Tale - Chapter 1: The Hermit

Tainer collapsed on top of ryldar, his shrinking cock still burried within him. cum leaked out the side of his ass and coated the ground. "that was amazing" panted ryldar.

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New Sensations

After a while he pulled out of the rabbit, letting his shrinking cock hang loosely against zach's face, covering it in his seed. "that was... amazing," the wolf panted, letting himself flop backwards onto the quilts of the bed.

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College Friends

Slowly i slide off his shrinking cock, and stepped out of the bed, pulling the sheets up to the cute wolf's neck. i turn and found adrean sitting on a bed sporting his glistening erect cock, that resembled a strong swimmer just stepping out of a pool.

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The Cataclysmic Battle

Once he stopped cumming, groudon withdrew his shrinking member from kyogre's wet entrance. a mixture of their juices clouded the water as it spilled out of her pussy.



He allowed the exhausted feline to drop from his shrinking cock, and began to drift back out into the sea.

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Bar Tales 1

I looked through slitted eyelids at the animal now gently cradling my shrinking dick in his warm mouth. with one last longing lick, he let it slide out, steaming. he patted the inside of one thigh. "i thank you.. but now i must go..

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The love of an Absol

She starts waving her tail side to side and watches as his slowly shrinking cock stops shrinking and starts slowly growing stiffer. "i guess you want to go again?"

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Sex R&D part 4 - Reah's busy morning

Pleasure washed over the pair and reah eventually fell forward onto her partner, gasping for air as her shrinking cock slipped out of lilly's drenched pussy.

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What Is Left? Part 3

"so let that be a lesson to you, mess up and you will get punished" the doberman finally slips off from my shrinking member and coughs a little, still trying to deal with the mountain of cum that i pumped into his muzzle.

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All the way through with Cat Girl

You watch as your slowly shrinking cock slides back into the slack girl's mouth and makes its way down her throat. the heightened sensitivity of having just cum makes it tingle as you slide out of the battered little girl.

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