Tale of the Reader Pt. 5

The street you see before you is in the original washington dc. they were sent to recover any useful technology or any important historical or military documents from the remanants of the pentagon and the national archives.

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To Claim A Boy 6 by Griz Sylverwing, Edited by Rekhit

At points it became so bad that they had to move from washington dc all the way up to maine, but they stuck together, supporting one another to celebrate their first year.

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Teenaged Politics (Book7, Chapter7)

A box in the corner showed a picture of washington dc. sinopa glanced back at karla and asked, "what are they saying?" karla shrugged. "you spent twenty-five years with a man who speaks french and didn't pick up anything?"

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Tonight The World Dies: Chapter One

Somewhere in washington dc... brain sighed in exasperation, flipping through another document, and like all the others he'd been through, this one was marked "classified" [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe-eosmk6oe](http://www.youtube.com/watch?

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The Tourist Guide Chapter 4

He got the codes when he raided washington dc some years ago, combing through the white house and the pentagon.

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And Into the Fire...

Ch. 3 october 30, 2008 washington dc richard mullens sat in the limousine looking through the files that he was going to present to don perkins, the chief of the research department of the lutrai corporation.

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To Claim A Boy by Rekhit

Which was why he stood outside this particular townhouse in georgetown, downtown washington dc. he'd been struggling with the design concept.

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Take Me Out of the Ballgame

The earthquakes were felt as far away as washington, dc. there were reports of damage coming in from the white house and the capitol building. he turned right into his office, shut the door, and immediately dumped the stack of papers onto his desk.

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Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 3 Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

Our king lived right here in washington dc. the emperor moved between his palaces on the continents on a rotating basis to be with his queens and concubines and to keep his sons in line.

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The Adventures of Dingo Dan, Part Two

dc your love ain't just an engine, it's a rockin' machine for your love, i'd stop the hands of time for your love, i'd dig a diamond mine for your love, i'd do it all the time yes i would for your love i'd walk a tight rope and

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My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 16: Rescue Mission

We got through every detail i could possibly explain to pass the times, visits to the gas station, & the distance as we get closer and closer to washington dc. i finished and honda decided to tell me his life story, starting with his time in high school.

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Of Mice And Mulligans (A1, B11, C26)

"perhaps you are thinking of washington dc, my strange, drunken friend. hm, you do not smell of alcohol, but you talk strange, you dress strange, and you most certainly _do_ act strange. now, i must escort you away from this machinery.

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