Midline Shift 29 - Dark Dreams of Another Story

ah mean, he is a bully, sure he's a jerk ah don' like 'im! but...ah dunno...ah just...a-ah think whut he got wuz too bad fer him..." "what is the first thing your heart says?"

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The Promise 2 - To Herself

"ah mean...guess ah wuz pretty frightenin' back when ah cunt-punted liddell doon thuh hall."

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T. Aropo Vine Zoo - Chapter Two: Don't Get Cocky

Ya wanted ta rub mah belly earlier, so when ah sensed it, ah asked. then ya wanted ta rub against mah crotch, and see me naked. again, ah sensed it, so ah helped ya out.

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Country Bear and Son / Boys Will Be Boys

ah awoke once t' him sucklin' on meh. blasted his muzzle full-a mah seed. ah suspect he still frequents a certain stall at th' truckstop when he gits all horned up. "that's th' on place ah don' never want ya ta go, son.

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Metal Pony Sex Dimension: Chapter IV

"ah guess that's one thing ah like about you, twilight. ya don't let nothin' scare ya. ya take what ya want. ah admire that. why, if ya had a mind ta go an', y'know, expand a mare's horizons, why ah don't reckon nobody could stop ya.

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The Beastridden part 5, pt 1

[ah can't believe him.. ah get chased off cause'o this beast rider bullshit, and he just takes it!] knuckle thought. [ah hope little jonas didn't see that. prolly woulda killed'im..]

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wolfblood chapter 2

"ah'll see what ah can do, like ah said ah got hardly any free taum." she gave him a dirty look at this. "look, ah gotta be goin, jasmine, ah'll see ya tomorra." he then left to unlock his bike. jasmine sighed. "bye!"


Midline Shift 34 - The Catharsis of Evil

_** "ah ain't never said ah wuz a christian nor did ah ever make note of it. ahm mah own free spirit, ah believe in thuh laws of thuh universe."

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Midline Shift 32 - Family

"righ' righ'...ah try to do thuh same, when ahm talkin' to lahk business people or royalty, ah try to make efforts. ah don't mean to talk lahk this, it's just thuh way ah am."

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What I've Always Wanted

"ah did it because ah want him to have a normal life and be happy." she said. "ah really do. ah didn't want y'all to have sex with him, but at least ah knew ya weren't gonna steal him away from me. ah.....ah......." tears streamed from applejack's eyes.

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Beast Warrior Gulkeeva Gay Scene: Chapter 2

**greyfus** :"ah.........ah." beakwood was thrusting up and down non stop. **gariel** :"now its my turn." **greyfus** :"ah,ah no more, no more." gariel thrust inside greyfus's tailhole without mercy and grip his body with his arms.

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Transcend - Part 5

"and ah know one thing. ah never wanted this. ah was happy in my cottage all alone. but ah look forwards, and know that if ah was to look back, i'd regret it one day fer not giving yer the chance.

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