Receiving End

Shot taking out a gun platform or our armor.

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Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shining Armor.

The feathers disappeared leaving shining armor breathing heavily. ''hehehe, now that was fun and sexy huh shining armor?'' she said. shining armor's body was covered in cum. shining armor was too busy breathing to even respond.

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The Fatesmith

"my armor always protects those it's designed to save."

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Ogres & Oubliettes

"works for me," said shining armor, looking at the exposed bits of the dragon and unicorn. "let's us enjoy the view." "eeyup," big mac agreed, a shift of his hips making shining armor moan.

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Reprobate Depravity

#3 of vindicated depravity twilight sparkle knocked on the door to the room shared by her brother shining armor, and his wife princess cadance. she cleared her throat, calling out: "shining armor?"

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Iniquitous Depravity

Their eyes locked, and a slow, sly grin stretched shining armor's muzzle.

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A werelez story

She finish her thoughts and start stripping her armor off too to show her dick to armor. armor like steel meat stick and her brute strength that she give to her. "well,we both naked, are we going to fuck or what."

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Breeder City Ep.6 (Final)

The three armoured girls stood as their armoured visors dropped over their eyes and walked to the back of the drop ship.

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Megalopolis - Building an Armored Tiger

The buxom mare familiar from the news and police reports approaches the pair of armored giants and grins up at armored tiger, "who's this strapping fellow inquisitor?" "mpd officer armored tiger ma'am," responds armored tiger, extending a hand to her.

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