Endless Night Part 1

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff It was late in the day. The sun was just setting when five foot nine Dylan was forced against the marble counter with the stained cabinets below. His face was wracked with minor pain as his leg was lifted onto the counter,...

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Different Kind of Club: Intro

Warning: 18+ Naught Stuff The old youth center lay dormant amongst the trees behind a large hill of grass, the new one just finished across the road. But a certain group still made use of the old building, purchasing it not too long after it closed...

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One Way Or Another

Warning: 18+ Deadly Stuff Sneakers and the pounding of a basketball were the only other sounds that could be heard above the old bathroom beneath the court. No one would bother the two guys smoking on the floor in the condemned part of the school....

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Professor Lion's Assistant

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The stuffy locker room air was filled with the smells of young studs. Hanging off his locker door Trip seemed sick, half his body literally in the locker. The otter sensed his buddy Mac walking over to him, the German...

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The Tales of D.J. Phillip Part 1

GASP: No 18+ Naughty Stuff!? It was the middle of the year when Richard T. Phillip watched his wife give birth to their first child. He was overjoyed when he first saw his newborn son with already a small tassel of blond looking hair. In fact, the...

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Soccer Ball Sacs

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The world was spinning as Lucas looked around at the group of soccer jocks gathered in the dark, candle lit locker room. They had the muscular brown jackass on the floor between two wooden benches, a row of lockers on...

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Birthday Bashing

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff It was about nine thirty at night when Richie let his dogs out the back door. Looking around the corner of the washroom, he made sure that his parents were busy watching TV when he shouted, "Hey, I'm going over Toni's...

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Tales of Passion: How A Dragon Trains You Part 1

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The air was rich with burning lavender and gold littered the floor. The smell was enticing, just as much as the gold. But Melodd still questioned why he had to be the one to be strapped in armor, a shield strapped to his...

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Ch 2 Hard Being Gay

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff Locker doors were pounding, so was Ed's heart. The tone, skater jock Dalmatian took a deep breath as he wandered past the obstacles of guys. Sweat was once again building up on his forehead after his workout. He wanted to...

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Tales of Passion: Worth of Obedience (Complete)

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The warm air blowing through the barracks of Ansthoss caused a line of irritated, but very quiet groans throughout the fort. There were rows after rows of young equine studs standing there, trying to remain absolutely still...

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Tales of Passion: Worth of Obedience (Incomplete)

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The warm air blowing through the barracks of Ansthoss caused a line of irritated, but very quiet groans throughout the fort. There were rows after rows of young equine studs standing there, trying to remain absolutely still...

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Ch 1 Something Unexpected

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff Second Day of School The halls were crowded and it was only a few minutes before homeroom started. Most people were heading to their assigned room while Michael Lake struggled just to get to his locker. According to him,...

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