A Dragon In Need - Part 1

Every day seemed like a repeating pattern. A story that kept revolving around the central fact that no one would ever love him and that his life was meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Just a small dragon out on his own in the world. After his...

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Bred Like a Dragoness (TF Story)

Derek was always the more submissive type, and with this in mind, he liked to imagine himself as a female sometimes when having fun with his mate, but little did he know that Scafen had something planned for him. Something he never would have dreamed...

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A Dragon's Love

It had been a few days since they both hadn't really talked much. Scafen and Derek were both busy with work and it seemed that whenever one was finished hunting the other was out running the shop, leaving them tired with not much energy to spend time...

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Igniting Her Fire (Free Raffle for: HotHead3602)

It had been much too long since Nexus and Annabelle had taken a break from their normal life and just relaxed. Nexus was constantly out hunting for any prey that ran across his path so that he could provide food for the dragons at the market to buy...

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The Fragrance of A Dragoness

The dark world around him began to blur as he slowly awoke, dazed as his eyes peeked open, a deep strong pang in his head making him cringe, groaning softly to himself as he blinked. His head felt like a rock had been thrown against it, and the pain...

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Your Horny Pet Dragoness

Derek had been invited by his mate, Scafen, to join him and his friends on a camping trip, and after a long week of work, he couldn't wait to finally just lay back and relax with his mate as they camped together. Derek would have honestly preferred it...

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The Inconsolable Heart

He wandered, Wandered, And wandered... But never found home. Never. Derek narrowed his eyes against the snowstorm pushing against him, pulling his wings close as the wind threatened to tug them open and thrash him recklessly...

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Hypnotic Dreaming [CM]

The busy hum of the people and coffee machines rushed to meet Alexis's ears as she entered the small coffee shop in the middle of town, the ringing of a bell letting the cashiers know of a new customer as she closed the door behind her. She fixed her...

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Reality Re-Wired - Chapter 1: Reassignment [CM]

The padded underside of the cyborg dragons paws padded along the corridor of the Elves Garden of Tranquility, scanning the area with his sensors, the lens in his eyes slowly zooming in and out as he examined the figures passing beside him, most of...

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Reality Re-Wired - Chapter 2: Moving Forward Into The Unknown [CM]

The light of the rising sun cast its ember glow upon the wagon, causing the human driving the cart to shut his eyes a little as he rode towards it. With a grimace he pulled on the harness, encouraging the horse to ride faster, earning a neigh as they...

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The Master's Toys [CM]

All Derek had planned on doing was going hiking with his friend kobold, Tidko, for the day in a far off forest closer to mountain peaks off in the distance. He'd never been that way before and feeling adventurous he thought it'd be best to invite a...

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A Snack by The Campfire (Gift for: ~Tyrion~)

Calivar and Tyrion had known each other for what felt like years, even though it had only been around one since they'd first met at a party. It was one of those parties where your friend brought you along, making you wonder if you'd even enjoy it, but...

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