Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Finale

"at least the mess with balthazar," jacob answered with a sigh. he bounced his head against the headrest lightly. "i'm starting to feel like we'll have no choice but to join the rebellion..." she punched his shoulder lightly.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 1

"she knew balthazar...?" jacob asked. "wait," taylor protested, leaning forward in his seat. "balthazar is about 40 years of age." he began counting something with his fingers, whispering to himself.

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Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 3

Zerrex replied softly, and balthazar gave a faint sound of agreement after a moment of hesitation. "take care, balthazar. i'll see you soon."

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Finale

balthazar frowned. "other?" a photograph was put in front of him. a black wolf with golden hair wielding a fusion of gun and blade... his eyes were sapphire-blue... balthazar's eyes narrowed. "this... this worries me..."

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The Proclivities of Power...By the light Chapter 7.

balthazar stated, growling. "then i will take it under one condition..." "you are in no position to make demands, healer..." helewys threatened.

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By the light... Chapter 7 The proclivities of power…

We would not be the ones walking clear," balthazar replied darkly. "but i would never challenge you... we have an agreement..." simeon stuttered.

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Darkness Rising Chapter Three

After entering, the lion set his bag of clothing down, sat down on is bed, and waited for balthazar to show up. he wasn't disappointed. about five minutes in to his stay at the motel, balthazar appeared right in front of eric, and looked the lion over.

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Reaper Angelsea Campaign: First Interlude

"only that his research benefited balthazar greatly," she answered. then, in hushed tones, she said, "and that balthazar had him and your mother killed." something twitched to my left and i realised it was canis. that cocky smirk on his face had gone.

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 3

It wasn't­ like he distrusted balthazar... what he was worried about was someone else cutting into the line.

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Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul - Chapter Twelve & Epilogue.

You're not really balthazar are you!?" "oh no, void lord." balthazar's voice went darker, "i'm much worse..."

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Character Bio's

History: balthazar has always been different from the other wolves around. he questions things that other furs strongly believe true throughout history. he always listens to his friends and tries to protect them in any way he can.

Darkness Rising Chapter Four

Eric let go of the gun in his pocket, and acknowledged balthazar's greeting with a nod. "what you want balthazar?" asked the lion as he straightened up in his seat. the angelic tiger looked at eric under half-closed eyes, and gave him a small smile.

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