2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 27

Two soldiers ran at him, but one was intercepted by a screaming cass, the armors colliding, cass rolling and throwing the soldier away. tucker turned, armor flowing over his foot, flattening it.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 19

"there is a reason most orr citizens travel with other people," cass said. "i'll keep that in mind for the return trip." "there's going to be a return trip?" cass sounded mildly surprised. "of course there is.

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Open Season Chapter 07: Girls Night Out

cass shrugged, looking at kel. "you know, fireworks; mind blowing, wild thrashing orgasms, ya know, fireworks" "what's that?" cass asked. kel and gwen exchanged glances. "hold up, you mean you've never gotten off?" gwen asked.

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Optimal Performance

cass lifted her fingers from her latex folds. each of them was practically looking at a twin, except to differentiate them, cass had a purple color scheme for her chassis. "that was really fun," cass said.

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2626 CH 5 (An Orr World Story)

"not the job, cass. we won't get any medals for snagging one and endangering the mission.

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2626 CH 18 (An Orr World Story)

"cass?" "not in the open, theo." the entrance to an alley flashed green and he headed for it. "deeper," cass said once they were in the alley. "cass, what the hell is going on?" theo looked to the rabbit, who shrugged.

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2626 CH 22

"careful theo," cass warned. "you don't have an implant, mister laramy, just how advanced am i supposed to believe you are?" "hey!" cass objected. "we're more advanced than you think." theo had to fight to keep from smiling.

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2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 11

"don't blame cass," uncle said, appearing next to the mule. "when i noticed he was keeping an eye on brick's whereabouts, i started giving him false reading, to see what you'd do." "don't give me that," cass snarked.

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2626 CH 6 (An Orr World Story)

"cass, can i get some water?" the water started flowing from the shower head. "can't you have sex just once?" cass asked, "it isn't like you're officially attached to the mark yet.

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The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.

Charr: her name is cass cass: ops guess somebody remembers me. (chuckles) joe: i killed you privet cass, how did you come back? cass: relax joe, i don't hold a grudge.

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Our first night together

I panted and carefully pulled it off my cock, then grinned down at cass, whispering amongst panting, "o... open your muzzle wide, cass.." he giggled, knowing what i wanted to do, and opened up really wide.

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Big Boss Horse

She didn't make any comment on cass' unusual gait, nor did she seem to notice the cow's obvious arousal. "hiya again. i'm not fired already am i?" cass joked, and then immediately regretted it when the vixen didn't laugh.

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