The Perfect Girlfriend

"christian, dry yourself off and get in here!" she shouted like a mother scolding their child. christian did just as reign asked.

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#TFTuesday: German Shepherd (Part 1 of ??)

By the time he'd reached his room, christian's hands were shaking and his head was buzzing.

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 6

christian groaned and nuzzled down the arch of her neck, admiring the beauty of her gleaming, white coat. "i wouldn't have thought that you could be scared, christian."

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The Templar Outcast

Headaches, always seem to come at the worse time, not to mention heat stroke, by god's very name I hate being a squirrel. My grey and white fur too thick to cool me at all in these thick white robes, with a red cross on the front. But then again if I...

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Today The Lord Spoke To Me

Today while at work at TacoBell, having a wonderful morning, I had the pleasure of talking with some friendly ladies about our lord and savior and how he has blessed us all.I told them how the lord has blessed me with my life, my loved ones, and all of...

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Between Dreams and Nightmares

BETWEEN DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES A great man once said, 'When we are first born into the world, we are born innocent. (We are free of the obligations of others to judge us otherwise.') \*We are free of the obligations or expectations of others, who...

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The Confince

(misticaxevangelios) disclaimer: this story contains hardcore christen characters, anti christian parts, rape, blood, violence and burning wooden statues of jesus christ.

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christian nodded and the two set out for their day at the beach. unbeknownst to jade however, christian had planned to show his mate just how much he meant to him.

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