Part V - No Laws to Treat My People Ill

"Oh it was fascinating, the seminar on impasto technique actually came to blows! Between the Van Gogh faction and the Rembrant fans!" judging from the stoat's tone this was wonderful news. "Convention security had to taser three different...

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Dragons of Science - Part 5

They had several children whom were inside at the time, and two farm hands named buck and clifford. the hands had since gone back to work in the field, while steve and mary saw to their guest.

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My Mighty Alpha, King, and...Father In-Law!

"he's grown a little bit since then," he said looking at the dog again, "you might have your own clifford on your hands.

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First Time At a Sex Party

"we sell options at clifford and paul," the husky explained, "we've got...guess we're kind of rivals...i guess..." the dragon chuckled. "rivals?" his brow perked. "you guys? but you've always been inseparable!

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09b - The Song of the Armbruster's Wolf - Part 2

We better say hi to them before clifford and kirk gobble them all up." the old wolf pulled the young wolf in tight from the back. "that's my pup. it's all about those we love, not the machines."

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09a - The Song of the Armbruster's Wolf - Part 1

"what say we give clifford and kirk a call and invite them over for the waiting?" "sounds like a plan," randy said with a chuckle. "took those boys long enough to figure it out," "i was beginning to think we lost our touch."

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10a - The Song of the Temple Dog - Part 1

"clifford and kirk? kirk was his mentor in architectural design." eric slapped his head. "how could i have forgotten them? i sure hope they'll overlook my overlooking them." "it's a ten-minute trip, papa bear," jp assured eric.

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