
Especially that muscle-bound beefcake of a bear that was the star quarterback, and, despite marks that would have qualified him for "special needs", still got a football scholarship to collage.

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Revelations in the night

"so, have you decided which collage are you going to?" asked james watching his son . "not yet, but i don't think i'll go to collage!" said chris with his mouth full. "and why not?" "hey, not now, please!" moaned chris smiling.

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Fat Moose #3

As the collage athlete modeled his cap and gown, for the graduation ceremony that was going to take place in a matter of minutes. "don't he tho..." the big smiling moose grunted, as he leaned against the door frame.

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Ring Of Curse or Blessing?

They lived together in an apartment going to two different collages in the same town. stephen went to his classes in the morning, and daniel normally went to his in the evening.

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Draven's Story: Memory 3

Black feathers stood out against the collage of multicolored plantlife in the garden. a solitary raven lay amongst the flowers. his head turned upwards towards the sky as he watched the clouds stroll past.

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Arctic War Bios

collages are currently looking at her for a four year, fully funded, scholarship. jess and heather ricker age: 11 date of birth: october 29, 2008 profession: intermediate school background: the first two born when their mom was married to richard.

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College love

First story i hope huskyben reads this you are one of my favorite writer's so about the story it's about these friends who are gay but don't know how to tell each other when they where younger they always found a way to hang out and now they are in collage

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Her second chance chapter 1

He looks as though he would be the collage type. he is a white wolf, with long scruffy cut black hair and broad shoulders. not to mention the strong yet caring face.

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Prologue: The gaining of power

Them and about a hundred other collages. so when are you starting?" i looked over the letter quickly. i noticed he was majoring in law. i was surprised. damon as a lawyer? i couldn't see it. but he did have his moments.

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Apartment E-7

It didn't take luke long to also figure that that not only was daniel not enrolled in collage (that he could deal with), but he also didn't have a job.

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My Hero, My Tormentor

A timid furred dragon runs into just that kind of person in the form of a large black furred wolf in a collage campus. his world will never be the same, at least whats left of it...

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Duty Chapter 21: Try or Die

Looking around, alex saw a collage of petrified teenagers from ages fourteen to eighteen. some were sobbing, others were praying. most only sat there, face in their hands and elbows on their knees, just waiting. waiting for help or waiting for death.

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