Shaz's date night

The husky got closer and greeted his coworker. they did a double high five and hugged laughing; her name was olga and she was an immigrant too, from usulután.

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[Request] Office Expectations

The unbroken gazes of his coworkers didn't help matters, either, especially as some of them pointed at him and whispered to each other.

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Two Easy Steps

Paul inquired, feeling even more embarrassed that his stress showed enough that his coworkers caught on. "relax."

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Dog-on Good Christmas

He returned his attention to his coworker, "it looks fine to me."

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Jesse & Ruth in: Kennelfornication

You two were just coworkers at the small town's kennel. a big friendly fellow, _and_ your exact type. a whole head and a half taller than you, a good belly on him that you knew hid a lot of muscle underneath.

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Just Another Day At The Office

Everything from the manufacture of the toys themselves, to the way the workplace environment felt, to the social interactions between coworkers. all a delight to him, to be sure.

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Urgent Research

Confident she got the angle at least a little close, freya then turned her focus to her increasingly needy coworker.

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Dating Out. Chapter Three.

Corey had basically pounced his coworker the very minute they'd walked in to join him on his shift. the cornish rex was far thinner and more lanky than corey was.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse: Sam Cox's Prologue

Ken screamed again as blood poured down his side and sam looked at both his coworkers. "sam! help!" ken cried. for the second time that day, sam's shovel collided with a head.

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Undone by His Suit 4

They had been its coworkers, people that it had enjoyed some time with during lunch here and there.

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Office Relief

Morgan said in a hushed voice as some of hers and cooper's coworkers looked at the two as they talked. "please, coop. just... under the desk, give me a quick suck before lunch ends, and no one will ever know."

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 4- Imperfect Certainty

"it seems they want you up there, lukan," said one of lukan's coworkers. it was one of lukan's only friends besides the otter. in fact his only other friends were his coworkers here.

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