Reflection of the Cat

Though as the feline turned to cunningly begin his devilish assault upon the boy upstairs, his eye captured something quite distracting.

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Marshmallow chan affliction

A cute little deviously cunning furball. that has ensnared so many with her cute playfully ways. it was long ago that i meet this creature i call marshmallow. and from that day on i will always look out for her.

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Her Favorite Thief

#1 of sly cooper a short and lovely story about the cunning raccoon and the fox inspector who is always chasing him.

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Surgimorphs Chapter Twelve: When you Mess With A Fox (3/3)

But it was well worth the challange as we came to learn that if one's will and cunning was stronger than the person on the other end of the machine loopholes and such were created and could be exploited for one's own fun and pleasure.

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To Tame an Alpha: Part 3

"i told you, 'big alpha', that cunning always beat strength, didn't i?" ezhno started, sitting on the bed, his bed, to look at the bound wolf. that brought a growl from gard. "cunning? it was trickery!

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Fallen Angels (part one)

Destined from their artificial conception to be monstrous biological weapons, a finished chimera is a twisted, aberrant version of its base species, with unnatural cunning and cruelty.

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My Life as a Furry: Chapter 1

Both were small, but contained a ferocious amount of speed and stamina and a cunning mind..... though usually the cunning mind isn't shown that much. her appearance contrasted with mine: i had dark brown hair and hazel eyes that hide my true feelings.

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Cole Pride Bio sheet

.: 112 natural mental traits: easily angered, cunning, timid natural physical traits: thick hand spikes and longer then normal claws on back paws enhanced body modifications (breasts, piercings, tattoos, etc.): disables: a stutter

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Furry Fables for Fun Furs: The rich and the sly

One day, he came across a bloodhound, cunning and soulless. that bloodhound's name was javier. javier proposed a quite generous deal: barten would give javier the money he needed to travel and search for barten's true love.

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Races of Mundus-Lotori

Despite that their very sly and cunning and due to their outstanding dexterity and agility, they are ideal for classes such as ranger and assassin.

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Fundamentals of Furry (Part 3)

Elusive, cunning, and less than happy-go-lucky in the stories, it's no wonder they seem so misrepresented. wolves have been in the human consciousness for tens of thousands of years, probably even longer. hell, they're subjects in cave paintings.

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The lady and the furs.

" true, my money did not buy it, but my husband's, from the trade; and they, they only got it from things feeble and afraid by murdering them in ambush with a cunning engine's aid.

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