Bar Tab

Instead, he fell forward and right into the side of sasuke, landing with a loud _whoomph_ into the fat of the land-locked draolf.

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It was nothing to write home about, and yet he still craved the size as the draolf before him craved food.

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House Special

To say that Liam was hungry was an understatement. It was almost as if he hadn't eaten in weeks; and yet breakfast had been just a few hours ago. He had no clue as to where his sudden hunger had come from, and yet it was gnawing at his very soul as he...

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The first thing that Kris noticed was the cold. It bit right through the suit, even though it was a thick shell designed to have no such thing happen. It seeped into his bones, straight past the toned muscles which he was using to struggle through the...

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"that could have gone better," muttered the draolf as he then stood up. faint crackles of lightning under his feet as he looked around. he leaned down, patting at his shorts and then at his vest. "ah... dammit. left my zune down there."

Macro Games: Round 3, Part 1

The white wolf was on his feet quickly, leaping over the draolf and crashing into the rat's chest, a solid impact that sent them both toppling backwards.

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Both of them panted, moaned, and groaned in unison, each having their whole frame quake at the violence of the draolf powerful thrusts as he was so very close to release.

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Drum Kit

The hog which had been placed in front of the draolf was gone, a bare tray where once nearly 40 pounds of pig had been.

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Instant Message

The draolf growled, his hips thrusting in time with the fox's bobbing, the two working together to make that impressive member explode.

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He's as dim as a burnt out lightbulb and as gluttonous as the draolf himself, but he just wants more food. all he cares about is eating, and if that eating means that he is used as heating... well, so be it.

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Malary was floating. Her whole frame felt as though it was being suspended on air itself, just levitating above a ground that she could not see. Her arms and legs just dangled uselessly at her sides, their fattened flesh jiggling and quaking about...

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Thick and Thick Intro

He didn't question why the draolf did what he did, and just served him as he always had. another deep, rumbling groan came from the colossal stomach on the blob before the panda. it sounded deep, and rattled the windows of the room as it happened.

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