Soul of Fire - Prologue

She shook her neck before taking a draught from the pool before her. her lilac eyes looked up at him from her dark face, through the silver spill of her forelock. "there is a storm coming. a place in time that i can not see.


Reyll & Loa: Chapter 1

Reyll propped himself on one arm and graciously accepted it with the other, nearly drinking the skin dry in one long draught. he coughed slightly through a dopey grin as he held it toward her.

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Personal Trainer 2 - Equestrian Sports

It was a strange feeling to be turned into a draught animal but if he angled his body right it wasn't actually too difficult.

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The Cask of Armadillo

But i will trouble you for another draught of the medoc." he sputtered, suppressing another coughing fit.

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With a heavy sigh, the dragon drank the rest of his coffee in a single draught. "whatever it is, if we go poking around his mind to look for it, we could kill him."

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Abducting Amethystine - Vol 1 (9 Illustrations!)

When ame deemed the draught as ready as he could make it, he latched onto the tube at the top of the small glass container and flicked his phallic form upwards to upend it into his toothless maw, his penile tongue winding around the neck of the miniature bottle

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Wasteland Survivor – Reasons - ch3

In that spirit we were the preventing all kinds of draught. after that, and trying to work out how to dry off, i laughed and said "tank top and shorts and in this heat we will be dry in five minutes!".

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The Toast

With reverent care, the wolf poured a small draught into each and raised his own when he finished. the others did the same, a circle of five liquid emeralds, forbidden treasure, secreted away from the aegis of law.

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Once And For All

My vision distorted in strange ways as i shrunk, but i could still see the plumpness of her pussy closed around me, reddened wet flesh twitching as she sucked another draught of life from my body.

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Project 1: Raisty's little change

He opened the cap and took a few draughts as he asked,"so what do you want to do?" "oh we can worry about what we can do later, how about you get some sleep. you spent all day driving."

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Back in Town

Her liquid honey is the draught of the gods. her pee is the perfect combination of bitterants and perceived sweetness. it resembles a fine ice wine in palate and i would not give it up for the world.

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"i will take inventory of our stores to determine what else we need for the draught of truth." korthgar strode purposely to the exit with baeril in his wake.

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