Dreamscape: The Luna Disposition

Luna closed her eyes and focused her magic, seeking out the sleeping dreamer. the emotional trail was very turbulent, and easy enough to follow.

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Stellar Dreams Chapter 10: Epilogue

The dreamer pilot had kept vigil just inside the medical bay door, while the human girl, samantha, dalarin remembered, was outside.

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Starry Eye'd Dreamers

Just two starry eyed dreamers, ready to face the world, together.

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Pride: The Dreamer Awakes

(( Yup you read that right. Pride is coming back to be finished up. No smut in this one, but if you haven't read the start there's plenty found throughout the start and some more coming up.)) The jungle is never silent. Particularly in the dead of...

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Dreamer's Paradise: The begining

#1 of dreamer's paradise if you find this then hopefully it is far more readable than when i first posted this.

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This meant that a heightened sense of the (fictional) world around the dreamer and the ability to probe the emotions in the sub-conscious.

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The Summoner - Chapter 3

dreamers, softly sleeping and wandering. or was i the sleeper, softly wandering through my dreams? i closed my eyes and breathed deeply. and if i was a dreamer, lost wandered, perhaps i could just reach out and... wake up. i opened my eyes.

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The Spark

By the dreamers, this was nothing like what he'd expected. skjall tried to huff, but there wasn't much air. not that he needed it, not for some time. it was tight, and far hotter than he expected. almost uncomfortably so.

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Another Coyote

You not being a dreamer." "explain," the coyote grumbled, unwilling to surrender less his clothes, and more his reputation and a well practised cynic.

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Another Untitled Poem

Testing palisades of clocks and yardsticks, no advent waits for the restive dreamer. i bandage my tattered, bitten hand and turn the smoke rings on my cloven finger.


Chapter 1) Dog Days

You are the "most imaginative dreamer" contest. you sent in "i'd like to have sex with numerous animals of all kinds. gender does not matter. they must be low maintenance."

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Smoking In Bed

Upon the tip,so the man thinks to himself in the oppressive solitudeof a clandestine comfort,furnishings and a rooted loving place.with a glance towards his accomplice,he thinks to rouse him.but with a flick of the wrist,snuffed the moment.he leaves the dreamer