A Lead Crown Contribution: Peaceful Days

Soon we got to grandma's yurt, the largest in the whole tribe, and a place we spent all the time we could, especially when she would tell us a lot of stories, some were fun, toers were sad, but they were all incredible.

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Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 2/3 (in honor of AW451)

This would have made it easy for others to make fun of him if he failed the talent show, because this was a big risk.

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Birthday Gift for Wolfgram96

Upon the rising sun the pack does rise The pups do stir as comes the light The alpha and the beta yip and yap Bringing order to the pack Off into the tress do the warriors leave A hunt for the food of the day to bring While the warriors are away...

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Furries University Chatper 2: Company (V.2)

Furries University Chapter 2: Company (September, 7th, 2019 A.D.- Thursday 12:00pm) The van came to a park in the parking lot, The dorm buildings directly in front of them appeared to be four brick towers ascending into the clouds. Many furs were...

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 2: The Meeting(That changed my life)

We played like that for half the night, tagging me than tagging her until we had a continuous pattern that didn't detract from the fun. after that, we lied next to each other; both of us fresh out of air.

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A new year~ 5

My heart instantly stopped. "Holy-" Tyrin had put his paw over my muzzle to stop any sound. I mummbled under his paw freaking out I hated that! "Shhh.. you fucking twat" he said threw gritted teeth, why did he sound pissed? sooner or later I heard...

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 6 - The Temple -

Once again, I have experimented with posting URL's to post the series of these chapters but to no luck =/, if you want to keep reading just look up the stories in my profile page, it would make me happy if you did! Anyways! Enjoy chapter 6 for...

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Weasaly Times on the Beach

Those days had long since passed, though, and now, the pair of you traveled across the land together, battling, adventuring, and having fun with one another through it all.

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Just a thing dragons do (Patreon reward for Kodi)

There was a fair share of things Blugia had seen throughout his life. Having been around for quite some time, he'd seen plenty of Charizards in his lifetime. However, as much as he tried to jog his memory, he wasn't sure he'd ever encountered...

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Cohabitation - February

You know, what kind of stuff do you do for fun, where do you go, what kinds of places do you like to hang out at, that sort of thing." "why does that matter to you? you never seemed to care about any of that before."

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To Take a Chance

"of course though, you were really fun, even if drunk. just cause we planned for a trio of fun doesn't mean you didn't clinch the deal little weasel." even in his sorrowful state he could see daniel patronizing him like that a mile away.

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Chapter 5 Julianna The fighting fox

Iv never had so much fun before with anyone." levant said a little drunk. " boy, you haven't seen anything yet. wait till we get to the fighting arena." she grinned playfully. "but first i'd like to go and see someone real quick.

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