Rendezvous, Part One

_additionally_, maintaining greenhouse temperatures added wear to the geothermal plant, increasing maintenance demands and corresponding _emptap_.

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Prey even used geothermal energy to generate electricity. this vixen lived like an eccentric hermit. maybe she is. it occurred to pete that a predator who was really opposed to killing prey probably wouldn't be accepted in carnivore society.

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An experiment gone wrong? Part 5

You begin to think, "i'm thinking about the core that turn geothermal energy into magic. he may be able to divert magical energy to the rune stone." they both look at each other, "my child you're not in any condition to make a trip like that.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 13: Returning the favor

"well, that's a secret, but what i can tell you is that it involves geothermic larvae and molten magma." maverick wasn't sure if she was joking. "anyway, come here and let me measure you."

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The Long Gift—Chapter 9

My pod was powered by geothermal energy and was deep underground. a minor dark ages occurred when the dictator died and the plague killed my professor and every non-hybridized member of our race, whether they were in stasis or not.

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The Thief and The Assassin: III

She padded naked into the washroom, where lead pipes brought hot water up from geothermal lakes in one of the caves below undercity. not everyone in the city could afford this kind of luxury, but then again, valerie was not 'everyone'.

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Brave New Realm: Diggy Diggy Hole

It was far from the blaze one would expect, but he'd learned that the house itself was heated by geothermal. made him wonder if there were hot springs nearby. a trip to them would be nice, or at least a bathhouse would be good.

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In the end, everyone dies alone

The official reason for the big pipelines leading to the north was a big geothermal reactor in the north, that was never fully build, but its systems were so intermingled with the small mining colony, that they were not able to cut the lines.

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Gluttony, Finale

With a loud crunch, lia began to eat the source of geothermal energy of the decaying planet while at the same time drinking the molten rock that hadn't condensed like a warm beverage.

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Whatever geothermal currents were left in the volcano had apparently heated the water up to just below body temperature. alex moved to the edge of the pool and braced himself to climb in, though he slid off his underwear at the last moment.

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Avvy's Steppin' Out - Chapter 1

Hir one regret, soaking in luxuriant geothermally-warmed waters high atop ilsa calamata's secondary mountainous cone and surrounded by some of the happiest and most gorgeous people in the world, was that hir waterproof gaming rig was still stuck in development

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Six

"whoa," he said, looking at the computer screen, "dark kat's using geothermal power to run this thing!"

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