Michael and Amanda, Chapter 20

As they start to get on the elevator, another strong surge of hormones hits amanda and she acts accordingly. they reach amanda's room just as her telephone starts ringing and, it turns out to be her father calling.

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Fur and Fag: Metamorphosis

. ## **chapter two** ### **_metamorphosis_** ### _'stabilising hormone therapies and pharmacological aides have led to the creation of the hybrid subspecies.

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Fur and Fag: Metamorphosis

* * * ## **chapter two** ### **_metamorphosis_** ### _'stabilising hormone therapies and pharmacological aides have led to the creation of the hybrid subspecies.

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Mass Marketing

We managed to procure a type of, well for lack of a better term, hormone that our studies had shown promotes growth. in a few cases, such as yours, your body also has the ability to produce the hormone but in a much diminished state.

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Under Pressure

Damn these hormones... yari ve'rek grunted loudly, a spike in the pressure making her wince slightly, and she rubbed her distended belly ruefully.

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Time and Nature

hormones are a powerful force. they cause hate, anger, love, happiness. lust... now these two have never been more than friends and neither has ever thought any deeper about it. but hormones are powerful as i said and it's an important part of life.

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Who Broke Who?

As he approached he noticed the stallion displaying an impressive erection, but dismissed it as he had worked around stallions before and knew their hormones were quite erratic.

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My life as a transgirl - a short biography.

A documentary on television opened my eyes to the possibilities of sex changes and hormonal treatments. i remember thinking i was jealous and that i wished i could've done it myself.

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Potion swap

As baja's own hormones soaked into his brain, he stalked over to slick, hypnotized by the dripping dicks and throbbing balls between her legs.

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Birthday Wish (Teaser)

He had dark brown curly hair and as every teenage boy, hormones, hormones, and hormones, but the one thing he never told anybody was that he was extremely obsessed with dragons and that he was a furry.

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A little story about little me

Saying that getting hormones fixed everything would be a lie. when you get your hormones the real fight begins.
