Wily Fortress 2 (Mega Man IV) 1

#12 of music story arya needs to infiltrate the laboratory that her uncle owns, but her human disguise isn't going to make it through. it's go big or go home, and the snake needs to choose if she's going to give up or reveal herself.

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Rise of the Zootopian Star Republic

Zol outpost to 3rd jaktox husk squadron: infiltration team has been compromised, they must be eliminated before native population uncovers their origins.

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

infiltrate ponyville, eliminate all possible threats and to assume the place of the newly crowned princess.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 25

"how in the nine hells are we supposed to infiltrate that?" the skirmish captain spoke up. the wolf smiled. "that is what the vanguard will help facilitate. with support from the sharpshooters."

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D.E1 Chapter 36 The Hive

"look, i'm confident that my program will work, since the program adjusts itself to mimic any system that it infiltrates, but it's not guaranteed." "there is another problem." he continued.

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Operation Tight Squeeze

Betty imagined the helmeted infiltrator was pretty pleased with herself.

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Special Access - Chapter 12

. - revelation 8:5 now that they had a destination all the infiltration team had to do was wait for the plane ruth pawstone had arranged for to arrive.

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Expedition: Tea and Stories

Fortunately for us, their efforts to infiltrate the very insular swasika was unsuccessful and they eventually gave up.

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Snake Bone Room 1

No, she's going to have to go in as an infiltrator. she's going to have to concoct a whole new identity for herself to use. the plant lies in the outskirts of town.

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She can infiltrate almost anywhere, get in, get a target, get out, and get back to watching tenaya and possibly be back in time for dinner. she's never late for milk and cookies. never. this is understood.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 20

Relevant systems were infiltrated, synthetics were infiltrated, these eliminated functional variables and replaced them, made momentous decisions in their place." "that laid the foundation?" "yes. after that, everything happened very quickly.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 20

"you invaded our vessel, assaulted our commanding officer and have admitted to previously infiltrating this ship and attempting the life on an alien ambassador. your life is forfeit but i cannot make that decision.

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