Into the Depths
Poojawa sat with her legs crossed looking at the four men she'd selected from her crew, all of whom seemed somewhat nervous to have been called into their captain's quarter's so unexpectedly. She gave each of them one of her most stern and considering...
Big Bumping Balls - By Danath
His research was nearly complete - a single roll left and a single bowling ball to insert.
Two Weeks - 12 A New Direction
Water riveted down Mark's vibrant scales. Each droplet caught the rays of the distant blue star in the sky, and formed a bead of light against a swirling red and orange hued backdrop of freshly exposed wyvernhide. The former fox felt lighter than he...
Cephalopods, part 3
Cephalopods, part 3 by Chickenboy The sail boat drifted on the waves, moving lazily towards the shore in the early morning. With a resounding crash, the ship was thrown onto the rocks, its hull torn open as it sank in the shallows. From inside,...
Spawning Season, part 1
Spawning Season, part 1 by Tastes-Like-Chicken Carry Flynn was a researcher specializing in ichthyology (studying fishes for those who don't know), and was undertaking her latest project of studying the salmon runs in some of the more remote...
Happy Unbirthday 1 of 2
This is part one of two, where he has tiel grinding at his upper body while joka inserts his legs and lower body, the two pussies meeting in the middle. 'just another day', xaleru thought to himself; it was his birthday but it seemed nobody remembered.
Riverside Adventure
A calm, peaceful night. The crikets were singing, a soft wind was blowing, and a few toads were croaking at the same slow pace as the river flowing across the area. A loud, crashing sound soon disturbed the night as a rock falling from the heavens...
A Fun Time
"i hope this feels as good as i think it will~" i blush and gently grope my breasts as i begin to insert the planet into my vagina. i moan and blush 'laying' on my back and clenching a bit around the girth im pushing into myself.
Golden Week
Golden Week. A blessed time of the year for all of those who reside in Tokyo, a sequence of days where no one is expected to work or study. Even for those who must still abide by their duties, due to the universal understanding of this time of year as...
Equine Divine
Equine Divine by Tastes-Like-Chicken Joe huffed and grunted gutturally as he thrust back and forth into Amber's warm, slick passage. The man was in pure bliss, making love to such a beauty as he now had before him. Her deep brown eyes, her...
Thyme and the Magic Penis Bone
When inserted into your urethra and bathed with your semen, it activates the magic and you get six months of the best orgasms of your life." "wait, wait--you want to put that_where_?"
World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist Pt4
By: Lion of Shadows For: Suel Wolvar Commission 12/1/2017 **Hearts in the Mist: Part 4** The skies over the monastery darkened with the onset of a sudden storm best left at sea. The lighting lit the clouds bringing thunder that pushed the...