Invading Will Chapter 1, Part 2

#3 of invading will **invading will** **chapter 1** **part 2** by: d. c. henry ("ahndeleck") the dragon's first words sounded cautious, almost afraid. deanna decided that it made some sense, in a way.

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Invading Will Chapter 1 Part 1

#2 of invading will **invading will** **chapter 1** **part 1** by: d. c. henry ("ahndeleck") the morning air flowing across his wings felt perfect to raogothcar.

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Phase One: Invading Personal Space

"So, the festival starts in what? Five days? Feeling a bit anxious for it?" The Poliwrath asked his companion with a chuckle. The Sableye in turn glanced up at the water type and shrugged, "Just another assignment really. I see no reason to be...

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Space Invaders VI: The Passing Part II

#8 of space invaders "hey, captain!" alexei heard a voice call. alexei lifted himself quickly, still groggy and now a bit dizzy. alexei groaned and listed to the static from an unfound speaker-comm.

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Space Invaders VI: The Passing Part I

#7 of space invaders prolegomenon the subway jolted to a sudden start, and xavier could sense something was off. a peculiar smell hung in the air that the young lion couldn't quite put his finger on.

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Space Invaders V: The Return Part II

#6 of space invaders the lumarian shuttle quickly approached the solar system. "captain," alexei heard a voice call. "captain, we're here." it was kavhen. alexei opened his eyes and looked out the window.

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Space Invaders V: The Return Part I

#5 of space invaders a loud explosion rocked the entire base. the olissians, allies with the enemy commune, were raining hell down on the base.

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Space Invaders X: Fall from Grace

#13 of space invaders in the darkest depths of the nihilum cluster, surrounding the red sun rott, is the commune home world called xhin'thaan.

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Chapter 6: Genetech invades Gene High

Time for the Legal mumbo jumbo. First all characters with the exclusion of Agro, Dasher, Thowan, Mac, and Tibu are copyrighted to me. Tibu is copyrighted to Tibu, Dasher is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, Agro is copyrighted to Starvires, and Thowan is...

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Space Invaders VIII: The Uprising - Part II

Hundreds of years later, i followed a commune ship back to earth, who had every intention of invading the planet and exterminating its people.

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Space Invaders VIII: The Uprising - Part I

#10 of space invaders prolegomena xavier wandered aimlessly on yet another small, dusty and desolate planet, the third he had landed on since leaving his brothers' team.

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Space Invaders IX: The Demon Knight - Part II

Looking about, all was silent. Alexei then noticed outside the window was absolute darkness. No stars, no planets, nothing. "What...what's going on?" The confused lion exited the cockpit, noticing Kaelin and Xavier were gone. "Kaelin? Xavier?" he...

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