A Trick of the Light

He ran a paw lightly over her wettening panties, before slowly slipping inside to feel her... ...thick male shaft!

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Moon Light

The silver light shimmered on the bare skin of his upper body, glittering like fine silver in the soft, pale light. great, silver wings stretched in front of the head board of the bed, leathery and tough, dragons' wings.

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Light and Darkness

It's the most frightening sight i've ever seen, his teeth shown white and menacing in the bright light of the fire. he seems almost unto a fury.

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Steal the Light

As if responding to his question, two orbs of pure white light flashed into being a few inches from his face.

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Available Light

He would go with the wind and stand in the light- in the available light.

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A Light In The Darkness

A light in the darkness important: please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). this story contains gay sex, m/m stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave.

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The Light and Dark

The air was fresh, and made him feel like a child again with the light gravity, he was used to artificial gravity most of his life.

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A Light Of Hope

I felt awful....I was already mated....Amy Honey, Im sorry, Im so sorry...but, our lack of attachment and connection was the one thing that destroyed us...Then I met toko... Even though she was also mated we saw something in each other we never saw in...

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A light lunch

It let out a low growl as warden moved what little light he had toward the beast. he screamed at the sight of it as he dropped the little lantern he had at his bed side. it crashed to the floor and broke still showing a bit of light as it flickered.

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Flame's Light

"light protect me...!" the horse hoarsely whispered as hexagonal discs of light materialized in front of him. "wall!"

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A New Light

The doctor put the photos up against a light-box suspended from the wall and illuminated them. "fascinating..." he said, "it appears that your bone structure has adapted to be a more agile hunter.

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moon light

Moon light mischa looked up at the night sky, gazing at the full moon lifting her hand up to the light watching as it changed into black scales.