I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 1

"should you make novice, you'll have to pay the school your tuition three days after achieving novice." he held up a third finger. "if you don't make novice, you'll be kicked out of the academy until next year, but you won't have to pay us anything."

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 7

RUTH halted in the main gateway of the training yard as she saw Father Owen and Archgeneral Gothnaar enter from a side gate. The salpion and archgeneral called to Commander Hanye and the other squires as a company of Faithguard knights began to file...

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The War Of Elements. Back Story. (The Beginning Of All Things.)

I said with my powerful voice easily carrying out to the novice as i changed into my favorite form. that of a werewolf. i easily walked out of the cavern that had served as my chambers since this world had first been created. "here you go."

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My Fursona

Creation officer educational history: complete military training social class: peasant prejudices: religious officials, kc troops faults: berserker attributes: clara host (magneto's powers, only not as powerful), hyper imprinting (roseleaf) skills: novice

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Raquel's Trade Pt. 3

It was everything she could do to not interrupt her new lover's novice striptease and just tear the clothes from the tigress' sweet body. she schooled herself to patience. no sense making her more nervous, she told herself.

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Forest Keep 19

They began walking back to the mess hall and duncan's office when a novice ran up to the trio "l-lord duncan...we can't get out sir...we just bounce off something we can't see outside the keep walls.

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Forest Keep 2

Down in the bailey a horn sounded to summon the novices. cursing his bad luck, james ran down the stairs and fell in with the rest of the trainees who seemed a motley group of rough looking men who looked him over with interest born of boredom.

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Forest Keep 35

The other novices have adapted faster than i would have thought.

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The Black-Feathered Monk 11

"it is unlikely for a novice to have survived alone. what allowed such an accomplishment?" ah, so that was why they were present like this.

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The Cat's Stroll 22

Kyu cao began to see young trainees and novice soldiers walking around with a more relaxed and unbridled manner, compared to the adult soldiers.

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Project Shadefall - Epilogue and chapter one

Slowly, his face unreadable, he walked forward, just to lay the very hand that crushed the teacup seconds ago on his trembling novice's head.

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Sex, Lies and DVD Sales

Not more than a week after my encounter with a novice to bondage and there's been no sign of him again. should've know better, honestly.

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