Tail - Chapter 15

I told him you seemed troubled and he warned me that you could be paranoid as all hell sometimes." "he said that? he called me paranoid?" i hold my paws up.

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Survivor's Podcast

"no, and after cameron began to have paranoid episodes i decided to let that rest." "it's for the best. whatever is in echo are not real ghosts, just copies or some shit." "cameron named them echoes, didn't you?"

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Night Flight

Joan did not know what compelled her to go outside so late at night, but even with the paranoid sensation of eyes on her back, she continued off the back porch and towards the woods at the back of her house.

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Time for a Change – Part 4

Like reading a book on medical conditions, jenny was becoming more and more paranoid. what if the horns were a sign that her skull had become sentient?

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Data Log 01

Ship is an impressive one i can't argue, but it does not put my thoughts to ease that we can still encounter something out there that would look at us as just a small insignificant fly in front of their capabilities, but that just might be me being overly paranoid

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Chapter 10: Sharak\'Thal

"no, you're not being paranoid kal. i noticed it too. but quite frankly i find it understandable. you are rather distinctive, just as everyone from your nation was.

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That damn woman was making her so paranoid she was starting to make mistakes. a tear leaked from her eye as she throttled the counter, but it held up to her attempts to torment it. with an angry yawl she sat hard on the toilet, the lid was down.

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2: And then

Why was she so paranoid? i do still lover her but this paranoia was too much. she always thinks i'm cheating and lying. of course now i am, but only because corey is starting to be more affectionate than she is.

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Against All Odds: Part 2 - A Sizeable Issue

With paranoid scientists like you about, that'd never happen in a million years." shaun mumbled disinterestedly, focusing more on his food than on thinking up a suitable retort.

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Chapter 32: On Cue

"if everyone could see what a paranoid lunatic arse adrian is, they might turn against him." "only he's not a paranoid lunatic arse," damon said and shook his head. he glanced at etienne. "believe me, i'd _know_.

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Death from the Shadows - Chapter 3

You are paranoid...""i am not paranoid dave, and don't ever call me abby, you know i hate that. look, people had something to gain from this crime, and it was all too convenient when it happened.

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Chapter 3: "I Need to Rethink My Life"

Have i become that paranoid?" rather than give his cousin a chance to respond, let alone their respective girlfriends, he began to walk towards a very expansive dirt path that connected cherrygrove city to new bark town. "ethan! you're not paranoid!"

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