Same Size Killer, City Rampage Sniper

Same size killer, sniper on the city rampage: the same size killer was in his shed. he was getting ready for his next murder spree. this time, he got a sniper rifle. he knew a rampage that was going on near him.


Chaos Chapter 8: Rampage

"given eberon's rampage today it is a wonder that did not happen to him during our battle," he remarked. "if calhoun is wise he will not subject eberon to such things again if he wishes to make use of the black titan's power.

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Ms Cuddle's Tickling Rampage.

I've decided to create a tickling story, where ms cuddles, the female tentickle wolf created by asllauru99, decides to go on a tickle torturing rampage, tickle torturing random innocent bystanders for her own enjoyment!

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Shark-Blade Goes on a Rampage

Jason - []( A small rusted up Toyota pulls into a vacant parking space a few hundred meters away from the public beach. When the car comes to a stop the...

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Mons From Above

And as usual, some people enjoy his rampages, while the rest, not so much. still, there were boundaries in each world that he was never to violate.

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DC Criminal Profile: Berserker

Itsuo takahara's rampage resulted in the deaths of fifteen individuals and over three million dollars of property damage.

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The Biggest Grinch | Part 1

The biggest grinch part 1 by: blobskin contains: mlp, macro, rampage version: 2 --- once upon a time, in the icy northern reaches of the equestrian continent, there was a pony of epic proportions.

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The Awakening

Their bombs, miniscule in stature, and inconsequential in action, struck the keratin spears that lay over the bay area, hoping in a last ditch attempt to quell the rampaging demon from doing any more harm, yet they merely tickled the looming hulk who simply

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Not one cat had been spared in the wolf's rampage; they'd all perished 'neath lennox's feet. for good measure, the lupine pressed a toe down onto a little purple and black cat, who he noticed only now. apparently he hadn't destroyed all the cats.. yet.

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The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter VII: Glory and Gore

You know, i'd been thinking about how cute it would be to see you rampage around," he grinned. "let's make it a couples affair, then," "nonono!" i shouted hurriedly before andy had a chance to snap his fingers, waving my arms wildly.

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Monsters Under the Skin

He came to the city, another tyrant bullying the little ones into his demands, like so many before him, they refused. They fought back with their armies and even genetically altered giants. None could stand against him. The wolf grinned. He was...

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Kaiju Drive In feat. Moonstruck (Freebies Vol 73.1)

The coyote drove his truck carefully through the seed, keeping an appropriate distance away as he kept filming the rampage.

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