Gas, Grass, Or… A Good Time

Only taking slight offense that his limited edition shakespearean man briefs had been called "panties" freddy smiled bashfully at the request. "okay daddy."

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Knight of Toad Town 4 - The Hidden Treasure

A tender gasp came from klair as she swept her hand over her forehead in grandly shakespearean style. "that wonderful _beast_ continues to haunt my dreams."

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Freakland: Summer Vacation - Chapter 3

He spoke then with a melodramatic shakespearean pseudo-accent, making seen snort and bite his tongue to avoid laughing out loud. "and now the objects of my worship accept me. oh, glory.

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Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

I owe some of my affinity for poetic rambling to my habit of spending my nights brushing up on my shakespearean love sonnets." "oh really?" kitt said slipping into the space next to his guest and handing him one of the sodas he had gotten.

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Legacy Of Chaos: Stave II - A Skewed Reunion

Bowing their heads they raised the jewels and began chanting like shakespearean witches: quick, rhythmic and in unnervingly eerie voices. after several moments of this the jewels began to radiate a strange aura around them.

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Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

She slammed back down of his cock like a shakespearean actor falling on a sword. her claws dug into his skin with an iron grip until little tickles of blood escaped.

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Sudden Death

Oh great, now the rarity head is speaking up while the body is feigning agony in an almost shakespearean manner. "oh, woe is me! i have been wounded! maimed in lethal combat! whatever shall we do?!"

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Red Twilight the Weaver promotional copy

Enter shakespearean law, the three-part drama, and this is the crescendo of the second act. 'tomas, now as the dark-force takes but a moment to look at his new body and finds, it is good.

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