I don't remember this part (1/3)

It collects statuaries of men by fusing flesh and stone. it lurks at gateways between worlds to chew on the portals. when it seems something beautiful, it adds that thing to its ever-growing self.

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Run Through

There was good, strong muscle here, a body that deserved to be immortalized in statuary.

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Ezra's penthouse home and show case is a kind of museum of statuary, art and holography dedicated to the costumes of superheroes and villains.

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The Windsar Adventures Part 1: Threetails

This translucent garment did nothing to disguise the well-endowed assets of the woman, her cleavage clearly visible through the open v of the robe's neckline, her figure flawless, like that of some erotic statuary in the decadent kingdoms to the south

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Superhero 8

Growling out a reluctant apology, as he knew the creature was far more intelligent than most gave it credit for, the furious cheetah then turned down the statuary-filled hallway decorated in hundreds of arcane runes that led to dr.

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Fallen for the Flesh - Part 4

On close inspection, of course, this being hell, you'd find nudity, lewdness, statuary bequeathed with huge phallus, and guests who would do anything that they wanted, and in front of everyone who was there.

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What Comes Between Day And Night

Furniture was wedged in here and there, sharing room with statuary and scientific gadgetry, and yet though it was cluttered it never looked messy. every bit worked somehow with every other bit.

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Patience Pt. 3 - The Wedding

Tibas actually mistook her for some sort of statuary until the hierophant invited the witnesses forward to congratulate the newlyweds, and what he'd taken for a tall, marble-esque statue moved to join the line.

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House of the Rising Floof

"the statuary is... different." the entryway was large, open, spacious in a way. it had the classic "i'm rich!" look of a split staircase leading up to an overhanging balcony.

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Improper Conduct 2

statuary rape of a student would keep dai unemployed and possibly in jail. in a few months not only would shi be graduated from his class, but also an eighteen according to her personal files.

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Subjugation, Ch 7

A massive archaic light hung from the ceiling, multiple paintings of various nature scenes adorned the walls, and small statuary was placed tastefully in the room. four doors allowed egress from the room, not including the one he had entered through.

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Reyori's Tryst with Onyxia

statuary of every type - beautiful people cast to marble, with woven robes over bodies. clothing over stone. its... gorgeous, to show case both artists. dashing, heroic, looming, villainous. its... eye catching, especially here.

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