Dungeon Problems

Today was it. Today was the day that he wouldn't be known as a wimp anymore. It took him days of constant planning, getting the right armor and finding travelers brave enough to head into the depths of the unknown, but he finally got it. Nommz was...

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Pagoda Adventures

"So, why are we here? We're not going to do it in the woods, because I'm not sure I could do it in front of your relatives." Crash quipped, following Thunder out of the city limits. The eastern dragon had dragged him out here, but he hadn't bothered...

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An Unexpected Turn

"Hmm, what to do with you..." Thunder rumbled as he twirled one of his whiskers around his finger, eyeing the miniature drake on his table. Golden yellow eyes stared down at the drake disdainfully as he went through a few ideas of what he could do with...

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Head Problems

Paranoia. It was the only way he could explain how he felt in just one word, but it didn't' feel enough to describe what was really going on. With a ragged sigh, the werewolf continued his trek through the woods. Soothing his head seemed like the only...

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Hobby Weekend

"What am I going to do with you...?" Thomas muttered to himself. The red fox paced around his basement floor, the entire place illuminated with several light fixtures adorned on the ceiling and the walls. He had a package sitting in front of his...

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Rexx and the Beanstalk

"Hold it...Almost there..." Thunder grunted. The feeling in his arms were beginning to go away, slow pricking numbness forming in his wrists and biceps. He'd been holding this sign in different positions for the last ten minutes while his new...

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Clash! Shuteye vs Hugger

The crowd burst into a myriad of cheers, jeers and boos as the first match of the night was well underway. The crowd of people carried multitudes of signs, eagerly waiting for them to be seen by the recording cameras around the arena. The bell had rung...

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When Kaji mentioned "something that he needed to do" around Thunder, the eastern dragon always figured that he meant he was bored and wanted company. When the message appeared on his phone early in the morning, the dragon had been half asleep and...

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Overbearing Myths

"David...David...David! You there?" The tanuki snorted as he flailed around in his seat. He'd been staring at his computer screen for so long that he didn't notice the voice calling out to him. David rubbed his eyes and scratched his paunchy stomach....

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_Company_ When he was younger, people always told him that space travel was never going to be a thing for the common folk. They'd stick to their planet, like it, and that was the end of that. He never thought of it like that. The idea of space travel...

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(Carbon) Dating Lessons

Zeke thought of himself as someone who was easy to talk to and rather approachable. The looming tyrannosaurus, by nature of his size, bulging muscles and lack of wearing shirts usually got him a few looks here and there whenever he went out solo or...

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Tale of a Grey Kobold

Tale of a Grey Kobold Deep in a dense forest, various monsters, thieves, creatures and the like skulked about constantly. Whether it was for their next meal, their next pawning or even for the sake of the hunt, places like these were generally deemed...

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