City Nights Ch.1

He drank his scotch while he ticked away at a typewriter, he stopped as i closed the door, he squinted at me and raised his eyebrows once he recognized me.

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The Game of Millions

Reggie looked at him: "we've talked about typewriters before. but which is actually the first letter on a typewriter?" lincoln only thought for a second and said: "q! its the letter q!". reggie smiled. "that's right of course.

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Open Season Chapter 44: With This Ring

The squirrel sighed, pulling the papers from the filing cabinet behind her and feeding the document into the typewriter. "name of the happy couple?" she asked. "uh-" was all mike was able to get out before mrs. badger took over.

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Snake Scrap

I wasn't surprised that i wouldn't be returning to the typewriter factory, these kinds of tournaments weren't known for their legality, which made them pick up and move after the night was done.

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A Private Screening

This was one of the best scenes either of them had ever put out in terms of acting, and as they watched their bodies on the screen crash into the desk and sweep a heavy typewriter off it onto the floor as they began to fuck more vigorously, neither male could

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Hidden Desires

Her tail twitched furiously with every clack of the typewriter. the group couldn't afford computers leaving them to use antiquated technology.

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His First Chapter

He never understood why anyone would prefer a typewriter. they were big and heavy, and correcting mistakes were much more difficult. steven didn't have internet access, so he would have to go into town when it was down to turn it in.

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First Fight

"i uh..represent a guy whose throwing together a bit of a scrap tonight, in the old typewriter factory. come alone, bring your own gear, and don't fucking nark" was all he said as he shoved a dingy card in my hands and scampered off.

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Tiger Stripes

Seravi peeked at the typewriter. "yes." i looked over at the typed pages. "you were gone all morning and afternoon."

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Nightly Bond VI: The Meadow

He fell forward on the typewriter._ gyhuvbb _"i'm sorry." "dude, i think steam is coming out of that thing." he chuckled lightly, leaning back in his chair. a tear trickled down his cheek. "i'm going to sleep."_

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Black Project Files Chapter 5

Wikenberg smiles as she takes the paper out from the typewriter, into a folder, stands up and kisses him deeply then opens a door to a shower room that also leads to an indoor swimming pool.

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Ander's Zombies Ch. 3

A single monkey with a single typewriter stands from his desk in the back of her head, verdict in hand.

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