a tale of dragons part 10 (getting there)

She needed matimura unconscious for the spell anyway. she had already arranged the treasure in the room into the pentagram needed for both the spells she was going to perform.

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Peterton Poe fanfiction: Knight Poe (part 3)

Witches fell on the ground, unconscious. poe stopped laughing and he saw the scene: witches were unconscious and the dragon... what was happening to the dragon? a purple cloud appeared around the dragon and, a moment later, the dragon disappeared.

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[c] Gylfie x Aurelia

As aurelia continued cupping and kneading at her breast, gylfie made a low, indiscernible sound before she finally fell into unconsciousness, her eyes blinking slowly before falling shut.

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Nor, not realizing who the clone was, or that he was even a clone at all, pushed the still unconscious male away and grabbed for nemean.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 4.1 Bannihar

He cocked his head to the side, "i didn't eat while i was unconscious, did i?"

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Leaving Tonight

"he appears to be deeply unconscious, mrs. stuart, i don't think there is any discomfort." "okay...this says...dilantin, dexamethasone, benadryl and valium."

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Underground League - Faint Attack

Dio thought to himself, 'unconscious unconscious unconscious i am unconscious...' the feline bit her lip, thoughtfully, her nose scrunched up as she focused her mind on the male.

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Defeat and Ride an Anthro Stallion

He screams loud and hard until all breath has left his lungs and pain drags him back to unconsciousness, head falling back to the dirt.

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Flames: Chapter 9

But that doesn't mean that one isn't feeling it unconsciously. and he wasn't even able to feel it unconsciously through his short life time. maybe, maybe he could escape it. he had a gun, after all.

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Digilove chapter two

"you've been unconscious for three days dusk." i said to him once i was near the fire. "i what?" he sounded astonished. ‘don't tell him the truth' i thought to myself. "when myotismon attacked you, you fell unconscious."

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Lycanroc's Midnight hunt

The duo lay alone in a forest, unconscious and mid-coitous. lucario gave a smirk of satisfaction. his plan had worked. he got what he wanted most. a hard pounding from his best friend. ~fin.

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