Chapter 15

"there was once a very ancient language that all wolves spoke. each tribe had a name in that language. but the tongue . . ." he flexed his fingers and the smoke took on the shape of dancing wolves again, ". . . it has been lost now."

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Lucas & Lucynda: The Gift ( Update 29/09/2013 )

As she chanted in the ancient language, a sort of green bubble of light enveloped the stones and the diamonds, lifting them at the center of the space delimited by the curved golden bars.

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Henry and the Succubus (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

._" he began to incant in the ancient language in which the book was written, but the rat's eyes soon widened as he saw the words morphing before his eyes, and heard his muzzle continuing to speak them as they were now written, in perfect english. "_...i

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Changed Fates: Crola - Chapter 1

Arcanery, the performance of feats through the ancient language. astrology, the seeking of wisdom from the old spirits. these three schools are the foundations of magic. without one, the other two will weaken and soon crumble.

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Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language

"ah, so you don't understand the ancient's language, yet," william more of said than asked. "uh i guess not," todd replied.

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The Horrors I've Seen: What Might Have Been

"well...ummm..." she stammered, "i've been studying...ancient languages...ancient cultures..." she said out loud and then whispered, "wedding dresses...nurseries...." fenris raised an eyebrow. "," he said, trying to keep a straight face.

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Spyro- The Colliding Worlds: chapter two

In the ancient language he was called, ferrell. "now." dairu yelled running from the hiding place. cynthia followed and spat ice at the rock creature. the creature slowed as it tried to get up from sleeping. just then, dairu covered it in fire.

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Who Says a Linguistics Major Can't Pay Off

Jones but he felt enlivened by his little adventure and the prize he earned for it and when he found the little archaeological team he'd left, going about their business as if he'd never gone he sighed and mumbled in the ancient language on the walls, "i promise

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VII. Echoes

Although they all speak evarónian, they also have their own ancient language, which most dragons learn as a form of culture. i never visited any of the dragon islands myself.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 9: Ancient Knowledge

Despite of wanting to object, avila herself could not imagine staying shut in a barely lit room full of texts written in ancient language would be a good idea.

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Lost and Found

From his pants pocket he pulled the small guide to the ancient language he carried with him and tried to figure out what some of the text displayed alongside the image said. "hey, fred," he said after a few minutes. "come take a look at this.

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Henry and the Succubus

._" he began to incant in the ancient language in which the book was written, but the rat's eyes soon widened as he saw the words morphing before his eyes, and heard his muzzle continuing to speak them as they were now written, in perfect english.

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