Under the Blanket Chapter 1

The bus ride had not been too terrible, and her landlord seemed like a nice old sheep lady, which was good. she was afraid she'd get some ogre of a male or something.

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Dream Girl

The bus ride home made jake felt like a failure. the potion would have to wait over the weekend. "damn it!" jake thought "ugh no one home but my stupid dog, she'd be here if i didn't fuck it up!"

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Not much to say about this one, 'cept that i was bored on the bus ride home, so i just wrote this li'l piece up on my ipod. :3 enjoy! daniel and nicky: generic characters :3 story by me!

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Christmas Special Part 2: Family (not so) Secrets

The bus ride was rather routine, aside from the unusual breakdown, your average idiots and assholes hootin' and hollerin' in their joy filled stupor.

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Changes - Part 1.5

The bus ride was silent; neither fur knew what to say to the other. when the bus arrived at northledge, lucas and charlie split up. charlie went off to theater and lucas went towards the school gym.

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High school through my eyes: Pt. 18

Not after that lonely day of bus rides, dirt naps, and tears. they wouldn't be able to handle it and knew that they couldn't live without one another. together forever. 'nuff said. and with that...

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Living Large Ch: 3

Anything else would've taken a car or a bus ride and in this city, the bus-rides were never fun. even i knew how great of a city this was, not much on real big-time crime or problems yet it still had its ghetto's and fine-lined social class estates.

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Old Stomping Grounds

As predicted, the bus ride back home was long and uneventful. unlike a car, there were stops made along the way that allowed people to get off and get on.

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This Is What Love Is

The bus ride was even worse, everyone staring at me, a wide-eyed little husky at the age of six. no one letting me sit by them with the words that we all know all to well "seats taken" or "seats saved".

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Everybody hit the pot again - it was a long bus ride. showered with the adults.. giggling - it was all guys. everybody got to play with their sheaths too.

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A Foreign Holiday

The flight was like a bad greyhound bus ride- crying kids, old ladies with shopping bags, ...you get the idea. mercifully, the flight was short. the airport was not much better. at least the shuttle was there waiting once i cleared customs.

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A Cub's Trip

It was a long bus ride there, but i read the books daddy had given me and kept my backpack held over my lap. boys in my school think it's funny to blow up the girls' skirts, but i don't. they're not my daddy, and only he gets to see my panties !

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