
The subsequent violence again tripart and.. its new creations were devastating, almost akin to the return of the dark ages.

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The Cold Rising Part One: The Transformation

After a failed attempt at a nap carter went back down stairs to his basement, the makeshift laboratory laid out upon his workbench was a mess, the room looked more like the workshop of some dark age alchemist then the lab of a once respected scientist and

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The World We Live In: Chapter 30

But well...the things i knew back then is gone, and i'm stuck in this era of dark ages. might as well live. it's cowardly to just die without seeing the present world."

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Chanza, Pokémon of the Night

The vampire pokemon are an ancient race, dating back to the dark ages of both pokemon and human civilization before, there were no "trainers", nor "pokeballs", nor "pokemon leagues".

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Not So Simple ~Part 7

The former united states, once supposed to be the best country in the world, still stuck in the new dark ages," kippy said, chuckling. "i never took you as the cynical type," i said around a mouthful of particularly awful chicken fajita mre.

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Project X:I

But that's the dark age stuff that's made my kind particular to the female human, virgin sacrifice and all, which she is.

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The Federal Lupine Republic

However, after some several hundred years, a schism occured, as the outlying provinces began breaking off one by one until the empire fell into a dark age.

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Of Rivals And Romantics (A1, B11, C34)

But any future is better than this anachronistic dark age. i have lived through the true dark ages, and i do not wish to repeat it. steam engines? no." "you're in such a rush to get home, you're trying to get us both killed, you moron."

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Character Descriptions and Personalities

(think very conservative middle eastern or dark age european style of women's clothing.) sarneh is very traditional and conservative in her views.


Irresistible Temptations

I could flip this switch and turn off all of your power and leave you stuck in the dark ages for the next month.

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chapter 5-getting to know ryan

His family and where he went to school, his friends and all about himself, the fact that he was 13 years old, he had always liked dragons more than anything else, that he had always liked swords shields and many of the other weapons from the dark ages, and

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Falcon Destiny

There was also a second layer of referance here, as psi galaxy was my fan-created unit for mechwarrior: dark ages with my jf units, led by my binary of repainted mwda 'mechs and battle armor.

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