Elite Force: Chapter 1
A collection of the finest human and anthro soldiers to maintain balance on both sides after the anthro's were nearly wiped from existence. (note: this description of the army is not present in the original.
Monster Lust: Part Five
For once, there was no eroticism, only the pitter-patter of tiny feet as tiny spider-wolf hybrids flooded the smoking, ruined remains of the village, scattering and seeking out every last bit of sustenance that the humans and anthros had left behind.
Project FURROUT 4 (Read-n-Vote)
And would thus give great conflict between the regular humans and anthros, as few humans emerging from the vaults would -wish- to mutate into half-animals and "lose their humanity" (maybe some does want it!)
The Elven Lady
After all, elvish crafts and timber fetched a very, very hefty price when taken far enough into the human and anthro territories...
Jected - Part 3
Ultimately, he found haven within a mixed society of other humans and anthro's. they accepted him for who he was, and made him one of their own. and from that day on, he was able to start feel at home once again.
The hidden alpha pt 3
A unique toilet frendly for humans and anthros placed just right with the sink next to it the flow of the bathroom carefully laid out to seem stylish and spacious. connor positions her in the center of the shower.
Her golden orbs glinted with victory, before restating what was on that paper with a bit of a toothy grin, "they set that chemical fire that burnt your arm and killed several of your firefighter brothers, as well as an estimated fifty citizens, human and anthro
Waterlogged - Watery Truth
"yes, places like taigh-solais have developed a way for humans and anthropomorphic animals to breathe underwater using pressurized gas.
MLP-Sanrose- A New World
and anthro races destruction.
Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)
Whilst for the most part, they are kind, gentle, sweet natured creatures, they're not afraid to fight even to the death against a valid threat, using either their natural weaponry (be that antlers and hooves) or they've been known in human and anthropomorphic
Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 1
Still to this day no one knows who fired the first shot, but by the time re-enforcements arrived, all the colonists both human and anthro where dead.
Life Finds a Way
So there's a mixture of humans and anthros working throughout the entire company. as vala and i walked around most folks stopped and stared at us. though the majority of the stares were focused on vala as she walked by.