My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 6: Running Away

"a little, but i'm still shaken by that near death experience." "don't worry anymore. kimahri sworn to protect eric, like kimahri did yuna years ago. as long as eric's mate & guardian, kimahri protect eric with all ronso might."

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Future Vision: Chapter 3

Viper also had to admit he was not panicked easily, though this was probably more from his many near death experiences than it was his mental disposition.

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Midnight Stalker

Though the slime aspect it gave was invaluable in hunts which more than justified the near death experiences; i would need it for today. the jungle was a haunting place, especially at night. i would have preferred to have come during the day.

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Vector's Memoirs; The Chaotix That Was (Part Nine)

After two near-death experiences, half an explanation from espio and the _other_ assorted bullshit, my control flew out the window. "and just what might they be about?" wrong move; n wasn't the only nuisance to change at the drop of a hat.

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Hating your own element/type part five

I had the same near death experience once before kathryn." the growlithe was surprised and asked the vaporeon, "is that your name and did you really have a near death experience?"

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Cherry: Chapter 21 - Leaving Sanctuary Behind

His near-death experience changed him for the better, thanks to my well-convincing power of 'persuasion'. now, the time had come for him to return the favor.

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Leaving Sanctuary Behind

His near-death experience changed him for the better, thanks to my well-convincing power of 'persuasion'. now, the time had come for him to return the favor.

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Aiden's Demise

The rest of the way went smoothly--near death experience notwithstanding. another night grem'pa had managed to tame the mountain. tonight wouldn't be the night he finally fell.

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Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories

There was something to be said about soul searching after a near death experience. it made the past a lot more clear to him and, with the past out of the way, quint had free reign to think about the future.

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Matheau and Beijore 10: The Legacy's End

If it was one thing he had learned from his near death experiance, it was to cherish every moment that he was alive and to make sure he always told his family how much he loved them.

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Journey to another wold ch17

"you see the way i got here, was i was struck my lightning, and in order to survive i think an act of god brought me here where i could survive such near death experience." jenavee let go of my hand and nodded.

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Forever Yours...

Disclaimer:if gay furry sex,near death experiances,tragedy,bad language,or other mishaps aren't your thing,then go find another story to read.....

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